[vtkusers] 2Djpg -> 3Dgipl

Petra Schneider petraschneider at arcor.de
Fri Jan 21 07:47:49 EST 2005

Dear All,

I would like to use VTK CISG-RegistrationToolkit to register a set of 2D 
images, originally in .jpg. Out of this reason, I have to convert my files to 
gipl-format, but failed until now.

I tried to use the simple IO example provided by ITK (see Code below, I tried 
different PixelValues). The results look good, but vtkview always crashes, if 
I try to load the new generated files.
vtkconvert didn't read the jpg-files.I don't know, if it doesn't accept jpg in 
principle (perhaps, the reason just lies in the wrong dimensionality...)

Has anybody done this before?
How can I convert the jpg files to gipl format (or any other format compatible 
with VTK CISG)? 

Thanks in advance,


#include "itkImageFileReader.h"
#include "itkImageFileWriter.h"
#include "itkImage.h"

int main (int argc, char ** argv)

  if (argc < 2)
        std :: cerr << "Usage: " << std :: endl;
        std :: cerr << argv [0] << " inputImageFile " <<std::endl;
        return -1;

  typedef unsigned short                                    	PixelType;         
  const   unsigned int                                       		Dimension = 3;	                  
  typedef itk :: Image <PixelType, Dimension>      	ImageType;

  typedef itk :: ImageFileReader <ImageType>  	ReaderType;
  typedef itk :: ImageFileWriter <ImageType>  	WriterType;

  ReaderType :: Pointer reader (ReaderType :: New ());
  WriterType :: Pointer writer (WriterType :: New ());

  reader -> SetFileName (argv [1]);
  writer -> SetFileName ("myImage.gipl");

  writer -> SetInput (reader->GetOutput ());

  catch (itk :: ExceptionObject& err)
        std :: cout << "ExceptionObject caught !" << std :: endl;
        std :: cout << err << std :: endl;
        return -1;

  return 0;


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