[vtkusers] (no subject)
永强 谭
yqtan at realss.com
Thu Jan 13 01:01:33 EST 2005
Hi, vtk users,
I have trouble drawing a line on an image. I used vtkImageReslice to extract
vtkImageData and then got vtkImageActor from it. The image displayed exactly
as what i had expected.
Now I want a line to displayed on the image, but I couldn't make it. If I
didn't show the image, the line is visible:
ren AddProp imageSagittal; # comment this line will make the lineActor
ren AddActor lineActor
Any insight in this problem will be greately appriciated. The complete code
is here:
package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction
set xspace 3.2
set yspace 3.2
set zspace 1.5
vtkVolume16Reader reader
reader SetDataDimensions 64 64
reader SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian
reader SetFilePrefix "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/headsq/quarter"
reader SetImageRange 1 93
reader SetDataSpacing $xspace $yspace $zspace
reader SetDataOrigin [expr -0.5 * $xspace * 63] [expr -0.5 * $yspace * 63]
[expr -0.5 * $zspace * 92]
reader Update
vtkTransform transformSagittal
transformSagittal RotateX 0
transformSagittal RotateY -90
transformSagittal RotateZ 0
vtkImageReslice resliceSagittal
resliceSagittal SetInput [reader GetOutput]
[resliceSagittal GetInput] SetUpdateExtentToWholeExtent
resliceSagittal SetOutputSpacing 1 1 $xspace
resliceSagittal SetResliceTransform transformSagittal
resliceSagittal SetOutputExtent 0 511 0 511 0 0
resliceSagittal SetResliceAxesOrigin 0.0 0.0 0.0
resliceSagittal SetOutputDimensionality 2
resliceSagittal InterpolateOn
resliceSagittal Update
vtkImageMapToWindowLevelColors sagColors
sagColors SetInput [resliceSagittal GetOutput]
sagColors SetWindow 2000
sagColors SetLevel 1000
vtkImageActor imageSagittal
imageSagittal SetInput [sagColors GetOutput]
vtkRenderer ren
vtkRenderWindow renWin
renWin AddRenderer ren
renWin SetSize 512 512
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
iren SetRenderWindow renWin
vtkInteractorStyleImage styleImage
iren SetInteractorStyle styleImage
vtkLineSource lineSource
lineSource SetResolution 20
lineSource SetPoint1 0 255 0
lineSource SetPoint2 512 255 0
vtkPolyDataMapper lineMapper
lineMapper SetInput [lineSource GetOutput]
vtkActor lineActor
lineActor SetMapper lineMapper
ren AddProp imageSagittal; # comment this line will make the lineActor
ren AddActor lineActor
iren Initialize
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