[vtkusers] Importing headsq data into a 3D matrix

Darshan Pai vtk_darshan at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 15 22:45:17 EST 2005

If lets say the VOlume Data  in 3-D has dimensions X, Y, Z
  Then any Point can be accessed as :- (z*X*Y+y*Y+x)..  
  Can be used both for transferring in 3D matrix as well as picking
  Hope thats wat u wanted

Ankur Deshmukh <adeshmuk at uccs.edu> wrote:  Hey Guys,

1.  I am trying to import the headsq/quarter data into a 3D matrix. I 
was wondering how to go about it.
2. Also I am asking the user to pick some points in the aftedr rendering 
the headsq/quarter data. I was wondering how to match the picked point 
to a point in the 3D grid I create.

Thanks in advance

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