[vtkusers] How to interpret Z buffer data ?????? Please Help......................

Deepak Roy cdeepakroy at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 7 12:51:06 EST 2005

  Problem I am trying to solve:
  I am trying to get the volume enclosed between a hemisphere like surface and a plane like surface which lies at the base of the hemispherical surface.
  These surfaces are extracted from the mesh of a human body.
  I want to use the z-buffer difference to estimate the enclosed volume, since it is more quick compared to vtkMassProperties. At the end i will compare with vtkMassProperties estimate.
  Approach i am following: 
  To simplify my problem, here are the steps i am following
   I first created a hemisphere actor using vtkSphereSource  
   Next i create a square Plane actor which represents the base of the hemispherical surface.  
   Now i create an off screen render window using vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow.   
   I make the renderer to use OrthographicProjection using vtkRenderer::ParallelProjectionOn.  
   Then i first render both actors to the renderer.  
   I get the z-buffer data of the render window using vtkRenderWindow::GetZBufferData with the hemisphere and cache it.  
   Then i hide the hemipherical actor using vtkActor::VisibilityOff.  
   Then i get the z-buffer data of the plane actor.  
   Now i compute the difference which is an estimate of the volume.
  I rendered the off screen render window for both actors to a disk image using vtkWindowToImageFilter and both the images come perfectly as expected. The images are attached to the message if you want to take a look.
  Now the difficulty is, i am getting a negative cumulative difference.
  Also this estimate of the volume is relative to the graphic world i created.
  How do i convert it to an estimate of the real volume ? which factor or scales should i multiply the z-buffer differnce with to get the volume ?
  Below is the code i used..............
  Can Anyone tell me whats going wrong ?
  What do those z-values mean ??
  // create Sphere actor first
  vtkSphereSource *pSphere = vtkSphereSource::New();
  pSphere->SetCenter( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 );
  pSphere->SetRadius( 8.0 );
  pSphere->SetStartTheta( 0.0 );
  pSphere->SetEndTheta( 360.0 );
  pSphere->SetThetaResolution( 30.0 );
  pSphere->SetStartPhi( 0.0 );
  pSphere->SetEndPhi( 90.0 );
  pSphere->SetPhiResolution( 30.0 );
  vtkPolyDataMapper *pSphereMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
  pSphereMapper->SetInput( pSphere->GetOutput() );
  vtkOpenGLActor *pSphereActor = vtkOpenGLActor::New();
  pSphereActor->SetMapper( pSphereMapper );
  pSphereActor->GetProperty()->SetColor( 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 );
  float sphereBounds[6];
  pSphereActor->GetBounds( sphereBounds );
  // build coons plane actor
  vtkPolyData *pCoonsPlane = vtkPolyData::New();
  vtkPoints *pMeshPoints;
  vtkCellArray *pMeshCells;
  // allocate space for points
  pMeshPoints = vtkPoints::New();
  pMeshPoints->Allocate( 4 );
  pMeshPoints->InsertNextPoint( sphereBounds[0] , sphereBounds[2] , 0.0 );
  pMeshPoints->InsertNextPoint( sphereBounds[0] , sphereBounds[3] , 0.0 );
  pMeshPoints->InsertNextPoint( sphereBounds[1] , sphereBounds[3] , 0.0 );
  pMeshPoints->InsertNextPoint( sphereBounds[1] , sphereBounds[2] , 0.0 );
  // allocate space for cells
  pMeshCells = vtkCellArray::New();
  pMeshCells->Allocate( pMeshCells->EstimateSize( 1 , 4 ) );
  vtkIdType pts[4];
  pts[0] = 0;
  pts[1] = 1;
  pts[2] = 2;
  pts[3] = 3;
  pMeshCells->InsertNextCell( 4 , pts ); 
  pCoonsPlane->SetPoints( pMeshPoints );
  pCoonsPlane->SetPolys( pMeshCells );
  vtkPolyDataMapper *pCoonsMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
  pCoonsMapper->SetInput( pCoonsPlane );
  vtkOpenGLActor *pCoonsActor = vtkOpenGLActor::New();
  pCoonsActor->SetMapper( pCoonsMapper );
  // setup rendering
  vtkOpenGLRenderer *pOffScreenRenderer = vtkOpenGLRenderer::New();
  double wx, wy;
  wx = 500;
  wy = 500;
  vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow *pOffScreenRenderWindow = vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow::New();
  pOffScreenRenderWindow->AddRenderer( pOffScreenRenderer );
  // add actors
  pOffScreenRenderer->AddActor( pSphereActor );
  pOffScreenRenderer->AddActor( pCoonsActor );
  // set up projection attributes
  pOffScreenRenderWindow->SetSize( wx , wy );
  // show sphere and coons plane actor first
  // write window to disk image
  vtkWindowToImageFilter *pSphereWindowImageFilter = vtkWindowToImageFilter::New();
  pSphereWindowImageFilter->SetInput( pOffScreenRenderWindow );
  vtkJPEGWriter *pSphereImageWriter = vtkJPEGWriter::New();
  pSphereImageWriter->SetInput( pSphereWindowImageFilter->GetOutput() );
  pSphereImageWriter->SetQuality( 100.0 );
  pSphereImageWriter->SetFileName( "Sphere_image.jpg" );
  // get Sphere zbuffer 
  float *pSphereZBuffer = pOffScreenRenderWindow->GetZbufferData( 0 , 0 , wx , wy );
  // show only coons actor
  // write window to disk image
  vtkWindowToImageFilter *pCoonsWindowImageFilter = vtkWindowToImageFilter::New();
  pCoonsWindowImageFilter->SetInput( pOffScreenRenderWindow );
  vtkJPEGWriter *pCoonsImageWriter = vtkJPEGWriter::New();
  pCoonsImageWriter->SetInput( pCoonsWindowImageFilter->GetOutput() );
  pCoonsImageWriter->SetQuality( 100.0 );
  pCoonsImageWriter->SetFileName( "coons_image.jpg" );
  // get Sphere zbuffer 
  float *pCoonsZBuffer = pOffScreenRenderWindow->GetZbufferData( 0 , 0 , wx , wy );
  // compute diffrence
  double dblSphereVolume = 0.0;
  for( int i = 0 ; i < wx ; i++ )
    for( int j = 0 ; j < wy ; j++ )
    long index = i * j;
  double coons_depth, Sphere_depth;
  Sphere_depth = pSphereZBuffer[index];
  coons_depth = pCoonsZBuffer[index];
double diff = ( Sphere_depth - coons_depth );
  dblSphereVolume += diff;
  printf( "\ncomputed Sphere volume = %lf\n" , dblSphereVolume );

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