[vtkusers] deleting actor from renderer

Abeer Mahdi abeer_adnan at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 6 07:49:16 EST 2005

Dear vtkUsers,

I have drawn a graph with nodes and edges using vtkPoints and vtklineSource. 
I have also made a  GUI which can change the parameters of the graph. In 
this case I have to redraw only the edges of the graph. However I cann't 
delete the 'old' edges, this causes the graph to get bigger and bigger 
(because no edges are removed).
I'm using vtk on Java and using vtkPanel instead of vtkRenderWindow(). I 
have tryed deleting the 'edgeActor' as following :
Here I'm sure that edgeActor is the lastActor.

I also tryed setMapper(null). But it doesn't seem to work.
Do any one have suggestion for me ?? I'm really stack here ...

thank you


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