[vtkusers] creating pdf of a VTK view in objective-c

Olivier Fedrigo ofedrigo at duke.edu
Thu Dec 1 14:15:32 EST 2005


I implemented a VTK viewer in objective-c and I try to save the image  
as a pdf file. It works well for any NSView but I can't figure out  
how to save a VTK view.

here is my code (again it works well for nsview but I get a "blank"  
pdf file for the VTK view)

- (IBAction)SavePDF:(id)sender
	NSSavePanel *panel=[NSSavePanel savePanel];
	[panel setRequiredFileType:@"pdf"];
	[panel beginSheetForDirectory:nil file: nil modalForWindow:[NSApp  
mainWindow] modalDelegate:self didEndSelector: @selector 
(PDF:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:nil];
-(void)PDF:(NSSavePanel*)sheet returnCode:(int)code contextInfo: 
	if (code==NSOKButton)
			NSData* data=[VTK_view dataWithPDFInsideRect:[VTK_view bounds]];
			[data writeToFile:[sheet filename]atomically:YES];

thanks a lot,

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