[vtkusers] vtkSphereWidget::GetPolyData can't get up-to-date data

dean.inglis at camris.ca dean.inglis at camris.ca
Wed Aug 31 22:03:33 EDT 2005

Hi Weiguang, 

have you tried the cvs version?  The script below
works for me...



I find that vtkSphereWidget::GetPolyData can NOT get up-to-date polydata
after InteractionEvent or EndInteraction events are invoked. This is true 
at least for 4.4. Not sure whether nightly update has got rid of the 
problem or not.



package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction
package require vtktesting

# This example demonstrates how to use the vtkSphereWidget to control the
# position of a light.

# Start by loading some data.
vtkDEMReader dem
    dem SetFileName "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/SainteHelens.dem"
    dem Update

set Scale 2
vtkLookupTable lut
  lut SetHueRange 0.6 0
  lut SetSaturationRange 1.0 0
  lut SetValueRange 0.5 1.0
set lo [expr $Scale * [lindex [dem GetElevationBounds] 0]]
set hi [expr $Scale * [lindex [dem GetElevationBounds] 1]]

vtkImageShrink3D shrink
  shrink SetShrinkFactors 4 4 1
  shrink SetInputConnection [dem GetOutputPort]
  shrink AveragingOn

vtkImageDataGeometryFilter geom
  geom SetInputConnection [shrink GetOutputPort]
  geom ReleaseDataFlagOn

vtkWarpScalar warp
  warp SetInputConnection [geom GetOutputPort]
  warp SetNormal 0 0 1
  warp UseNormalOn
  warp SetScaleFactor $Scale
  warp ReleaseDataFlagOn

vtkElevationFilter elevation
  elevation SetInputConnection [warp GetOutputPort]
  elevation SetLowPoint 0 0 $lo
  elevation SetHighPoint 0 0 $hi
  eval elevation SetScalarRange $lo $hi
  elevation ReleaseDataFlagOn

vtkPolyDataNormals normals
  normals SetInput [elevation GetPolyDataOutput]
  normals SetFeatureAngle 60
  normals ConsistencyOff
  normals SplittingOff
  normals ReleaseDataFlagOn

vtkPolyDataMapper demMapper
  demMapper SetInputConnection [normals GetOutputPort]
  eval demMapper SetScalarRange $lo $hi
  demMapper SetLookupTable lut
  demMapper ImmediateModeRenderingOn

vtkLODActor demActor
  demActor SetMapper demMapper

# Create the RenderWindow, Renderer and both Actors
vtkRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindow renWin
    renWin AddRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
    iren SetRenderWindow renWin
    iren LightFollowCameraOff
    iren SetInteractorStyle ""

# Associate the line widget with the interactor
vtkSphereWidget sphereWidget
sphereWidget SetInteractor iren
sphereWidget SetProp3D demActor
sphereWidget SetPlaceFactor 4
sphereWidget PlaceWidget
sphereWidget TranslationOn
sphereWidget ScaleOn
sphereWidget HandleVisibilityOn
sphereWidget AddObserver InteractionEvent MoveLight

sphereWidget AddObserver EndInteractionEvent MoveCopy

vtkPolyData spherePoly
sphereWidget GetPolyData spherePoly 
set bnds [spherePoly GetBounds]

set cx [expr 0.5 * [lindex [spherePoly GetBounds] 0] + 0.5* [lindex [spherePoly GetBounds] 1] ]
set cy [expr 0.5 * [lindex [spherePoly GetBounds] 2] + 0.5* [lindex [spherePoly GetBounds] 3] ]
set cz [expr 0.5 * [lindex [spherePoly GetBounds] 4] + 0.5* [lindex [spherePoly GetBounds] 5] ]

vtkTransformPolyDataFilter transFilter
vtkTransform trans
trans PostMultiply
trans Translate [expr -1.0 * $cx] [expr -1.0 * $cy] [expr -1.0 * $cz]
trans Scale 0.5 0.5 0.5 
trans Translate $cx $cy $cz
transFilter SetTransform trans
transFilter SetInput spherePoly
transFilter Update

vtkPolyDataMapper sphereMapper
sphereMapper SetInput [transFilter GetOutput]

vtkActor sphereActor
sphereActor SetMapper sphereMapper

# Add the actors to the renderer, set the background and size
ren1 AddActor demActor
ren1 AddActor sphereActor

ren1 SetBackground 1 1 1
renWin SetSize 300 300
ren1 SetBackground 0.1 0.2 0.4

set cam1 [ren1 GetActiveCamera]
$cam1 SetViewUp 0 0 1
eval $cam1 SetFocalPoint [[dem GetOutput] GetCenter]
$cam1 SetPosition 1 0 0
ren1 ResetCamera
$cam1 Elevation 25
$cam1 Azimuth 125
$cam1 Zoom 1.25

vtkLight light
eval light SetFocalPoint [[dem GetOutput] GetCenter]
ren1 AddLight light

sphereWidget On

# render the image
iren AddObserver UserEvent {wm deiconify .vtkInteract}
renWin Render

# Prevent the tk window from showing up then start the event loop.
wm withdraw .

# Actually probe the data

proc MoveLight {} {
    eval light SetPosition [sphereWidget GetHandlePosition]

proc MoveCopy {} {
   sphereWidget GetPolyData spherePoly 

set bnds [spherePoly GetBounds]

set cx [expr 0.5 * [lindex [spherePoly GetBounds] 0] + 0.5* [lindex [spherePoly GetBounds] 1] ]
set cy [expr 0.5 * [lindex [spherePoly GetBounds] 2] + 0.5* [lindex [spherePoly GetBounds] 3] ]
set cz [expr 0.5 * [lindex [spherePoly GetBounds] 4] + 0.5* [lindex [spherePoly GetBounds] 5] ]

trans Identity
trans PostMultiply
trans Translate [expr -1.0 * $cx] [expr -1.0 * $cy] [expr -1.0 * $cz]
trans Scale 0.5 0.5 0.5 
trans Translate $cx $cy $cz
transFilter SetInput spherePoly
transFilter Update

   sphereMapper Modified

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