[vtkusers] VtkTIFFWriter...need help

varshini v vvarshini at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 26 15:27:19 EDT 2005

I already posted this before. But didn't get any response. I couldn't solve 
it myself. Any help will be greatly appreciated.I am posting it again.

I am trying to write a series of tiff images. Below is the code that I am

vtkTIFFWriter *writer = vtkTIFFWriter::New();

	writer->SetInput(Reader->GetOutput()); //reader reads a series of 3D
	writer-> SetCompressionToNoCompression() ;

I get errors while executing,when I try to write a series of images using
SetFilePattern(). If I use SetFileName() it is able to write a single file
with continuous images in it. But I would like to have seperate 2D file for
each image.

I tried using vtkJPEGWriter,vtkBMPWriter,vtkIMageWriter to write a series of
images. They all seem to be fine. But I get errors while executing only for
vtkTIFFwriter. Am I missing something in my code?

I tried the same code in Tcl and it worked( I used tcl and vtk4.2 binary 
file). For this I use VC++ and downloaded vtk with cvs. So, is there any 
problem in the cvs version or am I going wrong somewhere.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.



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