[vtkusers] help with renderwindow just a part of MFC window

John Platt jcplatt at lineone.net
Tue Aug 23 19:24:47 EDT 2005

Hi Isabelle,


I haven’t used CFormView but I assume you have defined a control on your
dialog template (IDC_RECT?) in which to draw the vtk images. I would
have thought that the vtk render window wants the handle to this control
rather than the CFormView derived class, something like


CWnd* pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_RECT);

HWND hWnd = pWnd->GetSafeHwnd();

myRenderWindow ->SetParentId( hWnd );


Only a guess.





-----Original Message-----
From: vtkusers-bounces+jcplatt=lineone.net at vtk.org
[mailto:vtkusers-bounces+jcplatt=lineone.net at vtk.org] On Behalf Of
Renaud Isabelle
Sent: 23 August 2005 19:05
To: insight-users at itk.org; vtkusers at public.kitware.com
Subject: [vtkusers] help with renderwindow just a part of MFC window




I got some problems with handling interaction between MFC interface and


The main problem that I have, lies in the fact that my render window is
just a small part of my MFC window (CView). Indeed, when left button
mouse is pressed in the MFC window, my function
renderWindow->SelectPoint() is called only when clicked point is not in
the render window. I checked out if my interactor size was set to
correct dimensions and it is actually the case. But I can't figure out
why my function is called only when I clicked outside the render window.


- Maybe the origin of the problem is that I am missing something with
SetParentId, SetWindowId and so on... 


Most of the examples that I read deal with a vtkRenderWindow's size the
same than CView's size: in this case,
myRenderWindow->SetParentId(this->h_Wnd) seems to fit exactly. 



Here is what I did: 


 // setup the parent window


 CRect rect;


- Now, I saw an example where: 


NULL, WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_TABSTOP, 7, 7, nWidth, nHeight, m_hWnd,
NULL, AfxGetInstanceHandle(), NULL);




Does someone try this kind of thing? Do you think this could be the
solution? Or maybe someone has examples where, like me, the render
window is just a part of a MFC window.


- Or, maybe, my problem comes from somewhere else: timer,
interactor->Start()... because after a while everything works fine.


I hope someone can help me.....





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