[vtkusers] Re: including alpha channel in VTK image actor

David Gobbi dgobbi at atamai.com
Mon Aug 22 10:53:45 EDT 2005

Hi Cam,

Are you using VTK 4.4?  This sounds like a row-alignment bug that can
be seen in VTK 4.4.1 and VTK 4.4.2 but which was fixed in cvs:

If you are using VTK 4.2 or VTK cvs, then this is probably a new bug.

 - David

Cam Crews wrote:

>Sorry, accidently sent out a bit prematurely!
>I'm inputing a vtk image actor that's a vtk image data object -
>when I try specifying with the 4 components (w/ alpha) it comes out
>all distorted,
>however, if I take out the alpha channel it displays normally.
>the VTK image actor calls glTexImage2D, so my problems may lie there..
>if any of you have experience w/ displaying the alpha channel
>properly, I would appreciate your guidance.  Thanks!
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