[vtkusers] Performance Problem

Mati Bumrungkunakorn bum_mati at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 17 09:50:47 EDT 2005

At first I must appologize for my Language that not
quite well. I am in Thailand, doing a research about
some image processing and visualizing. I have using
VTK for a little period of time. Since I am new to the
VTK I have some performance problem would like to ask.

I, recently, have a Volume Reader and creating the
 Volume from some raw image data source. The volume,
says cube, has a curve line drawing by the user on one
side of the cube to create a plane to cut it(the curve
is the rim of the plane). Then I need to create a
panoramic picture using that plane user created and
unfold it onto the panel to display. 

The algorithm I've been created is very simple. I read

volumn, read the position of each pixel on the plane 
in the volumn, then read each pixel data sequencially,

after that put it in the Scalar array, recreate the
volumn and display. All of that sequence use nothing
but vtkImageData and vtk16Reader. It is very slow
right now because I have to read about 512x512 pixel
picture(and not one picture each time). Any method or
library that's might be able to use to improve the
performance? Please answer. Thankyou very much.


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