[vtkusers] Is Picking Possible?
Tron Darvann
tdarvann at lab3d.odont.ku.dk
Tue Apr 26 09:24:09 EDT 2005
Hello Federico,
I use vtkCellPicker (see example in VTK user's guide) and modified the vtkImagePlaneWidget tcl example.
Here is some tcl code if you need inspiration...
Best, Tron Darvann
package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction
scan [[reslice1 GetOutput] GetWholeExtent] "%d %d %d %d %d %d" \
xMin xMax yMin yMax zMin zMax
# Compute the middle of the volume - for initial slice positioning
set xMid [expr (( $xMax - $xMin ) / 2 )]
set yMid [expr (( $yMax - $yMin ) / 2 )]
set zMid [expr (( $zMax - $zMin ) / 2 )]
set spacing [[reslice1 GetOutput] GetSpacing]
set sx [lindex $spacing 0]
set sy [lindex $spacing 1]
set sz [lindex $spacing 2]
set origin [[reslice1 GetOutput] GetOrigin]
set ox [lindex $origin 0]
set oy [lindex $origin 1]
set oz [lindex $origin 2]
# An outline is shown for context.
vtkOutlineFilter poutline
poutline SetInput [reslice1 GetOutput]
vtkPolyDataMapper poutlineMapper
poutlineMapper SetInput [poutline GetOutput]
vtkActor poutlineActor
poutlineActor SetMapper poutlineMapper
# The shared picker enables us to use 3 planes at one time
# and gets the picking order right
iren SetPicker picker
vtkCellPicker ppicker
ppicker SetTolerance 0.005
#picker SetEndPickMethod annotatePickClosest
#picker SetEndPickMethod annotatePickOutlineMode
picker SetEndPickMethod annotatePick
# The 3 image plane widgets are used to probe the dataset.
vtkImagePlaneWidget planeWidgetX
planeWidgetX DisplayTextOn
planeWidgetX SetInput [reslice1 GetOutput]
planeWidgetX SetPlaneOrientationToXAxes
planeWidgetX SetSliceIndex $xMid
planeWidgetX SetPicker ppicker
planeWidgetX SetKeyPressActivationValue "x"
set prop1 [planeWidgetX GetPlaneProperty]
$prop1 SetColor 1 0 0
vtkImagePlaneWidget planeWidgetY
planeWidgetY DisplayTextOn
planeWidgetY SetInput [reslice1 GetOutput]
planeWidgetY SetPlaneOrientationToYAxes
planeWidgetY SetSliceIndex $yMid
planeWidgetY SetPicker ppicker
planeWidgetY SetKeyPressActivationValue "y"
set prop2 [planeWidgetY GetPlaneProperty]
$prop2 SetColor 0 1 0
planeWidgetY SetLookupTable [planeWidgetX GetLookupTable]
vtkImagePlaneWidget planeWidgetZ
planeWidgetZ DisplayTextOn
planeWidgetZ SetInput [reslice1 GetOutput]
planeWidgetZ SetPlaneOrientationToZAxes
planeWidgetZ SetSliceIndex $zMid
planeWidgetZ SetPicker ppicker
planeWidgetZ SetKeyPressActivationValue "z"
set prop3 [planeWidgetZ GetPlaneProperty]
$prop3 SetColor 0 0 1
planeWidgetZ SetLookupTable [planeWidgetX GetLookupTable]
ppicker SetEndPickMethod annotatePPick
set current_widget planeWidgetZ
set mode_widget planeWidgetZ
# Create the RenderWindow and Renderer
vtkRenderer ren2
vtkRenderWindow renWin2
renWin2 AddRenderer ren2
# Add the outline actor to the renderer, set the background color and size
ren2 AddActor poutlineActor
renWin2 SetSize 800 800
ren2 SetBackground 0.1 0.1 0.2
# Create a cube to be shown at cursor center
vtkCubeSource cursorCube
cursorCube SetXLength [expr $lmDiameter * 1]
cursorCube SetYLength [expr $lmDiameter * 1]
cursorCube SetZLength [expr $lmDiameter * 1]
cursorCube SetCenter 0 0 0
vtkPolyDataMapper cursorCubeMapper
cursorCubeMapper SetInput [cursorCube GetOutput]
vtkActor cursorCubeActor
cursorCubeActor SetMapper cursorCubeMapper
[cursorCubeActor GetProperty] SetColor 0 1 1
[cursorCubeActor GetProperty] SetOpacity 1.0
cursorCubeActor PickableOff
cursorCubeActor VisibilityOn
ren2 AddActor cursorCubeActor
# Create a cube to be shown at cursor center
vtkCubeSource cursorCube2
cursorCube2 SetXLength [expr $lmDiameter * 20]
cursorCube2 SetYLength [expr $lmDiameter * 20]
cursorCube2 SetZLength [expr $lmDiameter * 20]
cursorCube2 SetCenter 0 0 0
vtkPolyDataMapper cursorCubeMapper2
cursorCubeMapper2 SetInput [cursorCube2 GetOutput]
vtkActor cursorCubeActor2
cursorCubeActor2 SetMapper cursorCubeMapper2
[cursorCubeActor2 GetProperty] SetColor 1 1 1
[cursorCubeActor2 GetProperty] SetOpacity 1.0
cursorCubeActor2 PickableOff
cursorCubeActor2 VisibilityOn
#ren2 AddActor cursorCubeActor2
# Create the GUI
##wm withdraw .
##destroy .top
toplevel .top2
wm title .top2 "Volume Slicer"
wm protocol .top2 WM_DELETE_WINDOW ::vtk::cb_exit
set popm [menu .top2.mm -tearoff 0]
set mode 1
$popm add radiobutton -label "nearest" -variable mode -value 0 \
-command SetInterpolation
$popm add radiobutton -label "linear" -variable mode -value 1 \
-command SetInterpolation
$popm add radiobutton -label "cubic" -variable mode -value 2 \
-command SetInterpolation
set display_frame [frame .top2.f1]
set ctrl_buttons [frame .top2.btns]
pack $display_frame $ctrl_buttons \
-side top -anchor n \
-fill both -expand f
set quit_button [button $ctrl_buttons.btn1 \
-text "Quit" \
-command ::vtk::cb_exit]
set capture_button [button $ctrl_buttons.btn2 \
-text "Tif" \
-command CaptureImage]
set x_button [button $ctrl_buttons.btn3 \
-text "x" \
-command AlignXaxis]
set y_button [button $ctrl_buttons.btn4 \
-text "y" \
-command AlignYaxis]
set z_button [button $ctrl_buttons.btn5 \
-text "z" \
-command AlignZaxis]
set goto_button [button $ctrl_buttons.btn6 \
-text "GOTO" \
-command GotoPosition]
set last_btn -1
bind $x_button <Button-3> "set last_btn 0; configMenu; $popm post %X %Y"
bind $y_button <Button-3> "set last_btn 1; configMenu; $popm post %X %Y"
bind $z_button <Button-3> "set last_btn 2; configMenu; $popm post %X %Y"
# Share the popup menu among buttons, keeping
# track of associated widget's interpolation mode
proc configMenu { } {
global last_btn popm mode mode_widget
if { $last_btn == 0 } {
set mode_widget planeWidgetX
} elseif { $last_btn == 1 } {
set mode_widget planeWidgetY
} else {
set mode_widget planeWidgetZ
set mode [$mode_widget GetResliceInterpolate]
$popm entryconfigure $last_btn -variable mode
pack $quit_button $capture_button $x_button $y_button $z_button $goto_button \
-side left \
-expand t -fill both
# Create the render widget
set renderer_frame [frame $display_frame.rFm]
pack $renderer_frame \
-padx 3 -pady 3 \
-side left -anchor n \
-fill both -expand f
set render_widget [vtkTkRenderWidget $renderer_frame.r \
-width 800 \
-height 800 \
-rw renWin2]
pack $render_widget $display_frame \
-side top -anchor n \
-fill both -expand f
# Add a slice scale to browse the current slice stack
set imslice_number [$current_widget GetSliceIndex]
scale .top2.slice \
-from $zMin \
-to $zMax \
-orient horizontal \
-command SetImSlice \
-variable imslice_number \
-label "Slice"
pack .top2.slice \
-fill x -expand f
proc SetImSlice {slice} {
global current_widget
global imslice_number
$current_widget SetSliceIndex $slice
ren2 ResetCameraClippingRange
renWin2 Render
::vtk::bind_tk_render_widget $render_widget
# Set the interactor for the widgets
set iact [[$render_widget GetRenderWindow] GetInteractor]
planeWidgetX SetInteractor $iact
planeWidgetX On
planeWidgetY SetInteractor $iact
planeWidgetY On
planeWidgetZ SetInteractor $iact
planeWidgetZ On
# Create an initial interesting view
set cam1 [ren2 GetActiveCamera]
$cam1 Elevation 110
$cam1 SetViewUp 0 0 -1
$cam1 Azimuth 45
ren2 ResetCameraClippingRange
[ren2 GetActiveCamera] ParallelProjectionOn
# Modify some bindings, use the interactor style 'switch'
set iren2 [renWin2 GetInteractor]
set istyle2 [vtkInteractorStyleSwitch istyleswitch2]
$iren2 SetInteractorStyle $istyle2
$istyle2 SetCurrentStyleToTrackballCamera
# Render it
$render_widget Render
# Supporting procedures
# Align the camera so that it faces the desired widget
proc AlignCamera { } {
global ox oy oz sx sy sz xMax xMin yMax yMin zMax zMin imslice_number
global current_widget
set cx [expr $ox + (0.5*($xMax - $xMin))*$sx]
set cy [expr $oy + (0.5*($yMax - $yMin))*$sy]
set cz [expr $oy + (0.5*($zMax - $zMin))*$sz]
set vx 0
set vy 0
set vz 0
set nx 0
set ny 0
set nz 0
set iaxis [$current_widget GetPlaneOrientation]
if { $iaxis == 0 } {
set vz -1
set nx [expr $ox + $xMax*$sx]
set cx [expr $ox + $imslice_number*$sx]
} elseif { $iaxis == 1 } {
set vz -1
set ny [expr $oy + $yMax*$sy]
set cy [expr $oy + $imslice_number*$sy]
} else {
set vy 1
set nz [expr $oz + $zMax*$sz]
set cz [expr $oz + $imslice_number*$sz]
set px [expr $cx + $nx*2]
set py [expr $cy + $ny*2]
set pz [expr $cz + $nz*3]
set camera [ ren2 GetActiveCamera ]
$camera SetViewUp $vx $vy $vz
$camera SetFocalPoint $cx $cy $cz
$camera SetPosition $px $py $pz
$camera OrthogonalizeViewUp
ren2 ResetCameraClippingRange
renWin2 Render
# Capture the display and place in a tiff
proc CaptureImage { } {
vtkWindowToImageFilter w2i
vtkTIFFWriter writer
w2i SetInput renWin2
w2i Update
writer SetInput [w2i GetOutput]
writer SetFileName image.tif
renWin2 Render
writer Write
writer Delete
w2i Delete
proc GotoPosition { } {
global xp yp zp
planeWidgetX SetSlicePosition $xp
planeWidgetY SetSlicePosition $yp
planeWidgetZ SetSlicePosition $zp
cursorCube SetCenter $xp $yp $zp
renWin2 Render
# Align the widget back into orthonormal position,
# set the slider to reflect the widget's position,
# call AlignCamera to set the camera facing the widget
proc AlignXaxis { } {
global xMax xMin current_widget imslice_number
set po [ planeWidgetX GetPlaneOrientation ]
if { $po == 3 } {
planeWidgetX SetPlaneOrientationToXAxes
set imslice_number [expr ($xMax - $xMin)/2]
planeWidgetX SetSliceIndex $imslice_number
} else {
set imslice_number [planeWidgetX GetSliceIndex]
set current_widget planeWidgetX
.top2.slice config -from $xMin -to $xMax
.top2.slice set $imslice_number
proc AlignYaxis { } {
global yMin yMax current_widget imslice_number
set po [ planeWidgetY GetPlaneOrientation ]
if { $po == 3 } {
planeWidgetY SetPlaneOrientationToYAxes
set imslice_number [expr ($yMax - $yMin)/2]
planeWidgetY SetSliceIndex $imslice_number
} else {
set imslice_number [planeWidgetY GetSliceIndex]
set current_widget planeWidgetY
.top2.slice config -from $yMin -to $yMax
.top2.slice set $imslice_number
proc AlignZaxis { } {
global zMin zMax current_widget imslice_number
set po [ planeWidgetZ GetPlaneOrientation ]
if { $po == 3 } {
planeWidgetZ SetPlaneOrientationToZAxes
set imslice_number [expr ($zMax - $zMin)/2]
planeWidgetZ SetSliceIndex $imslice_number
} else {
set imslice_number [planeWidgetZ GetSliceIndex]
set current_widget planeWidgetZ
.top2.slice config -from $zMin -to $zMax
.top2.slice set $imslice_number
# Set the widget's reslice interpolation mode
# to the corresponding popup menu choice
proc SetInterpolation { } {
global mode_widget mode
if { $mode == 0 } {
$mode_widget TextureInterpolateOff
} else {
$mode_widget TextureInterpolateOn
$mode_widget SetResliceInterpolate $mode
renWin2 Render
proc annotatePPick {} {
global lmCoord lmIndex setbuttonvalue setarr CurrentPos CurrentId CurrentVal
global aSplineX aSplineY aSplineZ SplineCheck xp yp zp
global colors existcolorfile
global lmCellIdArr
if { [ppicker GetCellId] < 0 } {
#lmsphereActor$lmIndex VisibilityOff
#set pickId -1
} else {
#set selPt [ppicker GetSelectionPoint]
#set pickId [picker GetCellId]
#set lmCellIdArr($lmIndex) $pickId
#set CurrentId [format "Id: %10d" $pickId]
#set CurrentVal " "
#if {$existcolorfile == 1} {
# set pickVal [colors GetScalar $pickId]
# set CurrentVal [format "Value: %18.6f" $pickVal]
#set x [lindex $selPt 0]
#set y [lindex $selPt 1]
set pickPos [ppicker GetPickPosition]
set xp [lindex $pickPos 0]
set yp [lindex $pickPos 1]
set zp [lindex $pickPos 2]
#planeWidgetX SetSlicePosition $xp
#planeWidgetY SetSlicePosition $yp
#planeWidgetZ SetSlicePosition $zp
cursorCube SetCenter $xp $yp $zp
cursorCube2 SetCenter $xp $yp $zp
lmsphere$lmIndex SetCenter $xp $yp $zp
lmsphereActor$lmIndex VisibilityOn
lmCoord InsertPoint $lmIndex $xp $yp $zp
set setarr($lmIndex) 1
set setbuttonvalue 1
#SetIndex -1
if {$SplineCheck == 1} {
renWin Render
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