[vtkusers] problems converting itk data to vtk data

Abhishek gattani at aktina.com
Thu Apr 14 14:12:37 EDT 2005

Hello All,


I am using ImageToVTKImageFilter for converting ITK data got from
ImageSeriesReader. However, I am loosing all the settings for the spacing,
dimensions, origin, etc in vtkImageData (even the scalar type). Why is that?
I understand ImageToVTKImageFilter uses VTKImageExport. Can someone please
tell me what I could be doing wrong? Thanks a million.


typedef itk::Image <unsigned short,3> InputImageType;

typedef itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter<InputImageType> ConnectorType;

ConnectorType::Pointer connector= ConnectorType::New();


vtkImageData* pImgData = connector->GetOutput();


-Cheers, Abhishek

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