[vtkusers] Ensigh6Reader

Marco Poletti Marco.Poletti at datazug.ch
Wed Sep 15 07:23:25 EDT 2004

Hello Friends
I'm working with the VTK only since a couple of weeks and I've got a fundamental problem with ensightfiles.

I created a external sample of ensight files with a CFX solver and I want to work with them in vtk now.
I've got the following files:
One *.GEO file 
Fifty *SVEL with the filenumbers: 1,2,..,50 at the timevalues: 0.005, 0.01, 0.015,
.., 0.25 [s]  (velocityvectordata in the cellcenters)
And of course one *case file

In the VTK, I'm interpolating these pieces of ensight data onto the vertices with vtkCellToPointData.
After this, the outputdata is interpolated onto the vertices of a self-defined unstructured grid with a vtkProbeFilter.

Tcl -code looks like this:

vtk***Reader gridreader (unstructured Grid)

vtkEnsight6Reader ensigthreader
ensighreader SetCaseFilename *.case 
ensightreader SetTimeValue 0.2	 	(for example)
ensightreader Update

vtkCellDataToPointData ctp
ctp SetInput [ensightreader GetOutput]  
ctp Update

vtkProbeFilter probe
probe SetInput [gridreader Getoutput]
probe SetSource [ctp GetOutput]
probe Update

.and so on.

That runs very well for specified timevalues (0.2 for example)

Now I want to do this routine for each timevalue and want to store the outputdata in a array which is named by the timevalues.

The question is now: Is it possible to do this with a loop which is implemented in Tcl and how would it look like?
Or do I have to implement a new vtk C++ class for this problem?
How do I have to create such a class?

Thanks in advance for the help. 
Marco Poletti


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