[vtkusers] vtk IO modification

Hamid Ghadyani alishapal at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 13 13:35:42 EDT 2004


I am not sure if I am posting this thread to the right list but this was  
the only one I could find on the vtk site.

I have a couple of encrypted files which I want to read in using vtk.  
Since they are large files, decrypting them seperately takes time. So I  
thought that I could add my decryption class to VTK.

I am using vtkDataSetReader, vtkPolyDataReader and vtkImageReader.  
Obviously these are not classes that directly open the files and assign  
memory for images/geometries and fill them in. I tried to read the source  
code to figure out which classes are responsible for direct access of  
files. But I couldn't go further than vtkImageReader2::ExecuteData

So could someone please point me to right direction on how to find more  
information on vtk IO structure and which classes are responsible for it.

Any input is great appreciated

Thanks in advance

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