[vtkusers] isosurface has sections that are offset...

s comp sscomp2004 at yahoo.com.au
Thu Sep 2 02:53:47 EDT 2004

I  have created an isosurface for data stored at points of an unstructured grid (octree as hexahedral mesh), but but there are offsets occuring at cell boundaries, how can this be avoided/fixed to make the surface continuos?
My code is as follows:
package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction

vtkUnstructuredGridReader reader
    reader SetFileName "C:\\octree.vtk"
    reader SetScalarsName "scalar_field2"
vtkContourFilter cf
    cf SetInput [reader GetOutput]
    cf SetValue 0 2.125
    cf SetValue 1 1.1
vtkPolyDataMapper contourMapper
    contourMapper SetInput [cf GetOutput]
vtkActor contours
    contours SetMapper contourMapper

vtkRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindow renWin
    renWin AddRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
    iren SetRenderWindow renWin

ren1 AddActor contours

[ren1 GetActiveCamera] Azimuth 60
[ren1 GetActiveCamera] Roll -90
[ren1 GetActiveCamera] Dolly 2
ren1 ResetCameraClippingRange
ren1 SetBackground 1 1 1
renWin SetSize 750 400
iren Initialize
iren AddObserver UserEvent {wm deiconify .vtkInteract}

wm withdraw .

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