[vtkusers] Re: vtkImagePlaneWidget problem on vtkImageData (C++)

Adrian Wyssmann wyssa1 at hta-bi.bfh.ch
Fri Oct 29 10:32:56 EDT 2004

Well, that was the point! I get now a separate window. But i want to be able
to change the window-level in the "original" window. How can I set the
RenderWindow of the myImageViewer2? Or what have I to do? Her's my code:

myRenderWindow = vtkRenderWindow::New();
myRenderWindowInteractor = vtkRenderWindowInteractor::New();
myActor = vtkImageActor::New();
myImageViewer2 = vtkImageViewer2::New();


-----Original Message-----
From: Luca Picello [mailto:luca.picello at libero.it] 
Sent: Freitag, 29. Oktober 2004 12:58
To: Adrian Wyssmann
Cc: 'Dean Inglis'; 'vtkusers archive'
Subject: Re: [vtkusers] Re: vtkImagePlaneWidget problem on vtkImageData

Not sure but usually you obtain this error with VS6 compiler when the
declaration for vtkImageViewer2 is missing.
Check you have #include "vtkImageViewer2.h" in your sources.


Adrian Wyssmann wrote:

>In the line of the declaration of vtkImageViewer2 I get the compile 
>error (using VS6):
>vtkImageViewer2* pMyImageViewer2; //c2143 sytnax error: missing ";" 
>before '*'
>-----Original Message-----
>From: vtkusers-bounces at vtk.org [mailto:vtkusers-bounces at vtk.org] On 
>Behalf Of Dean Inglis
>Sent: Donnerstag, 28. Oktober 2004 19:22
>To: vtkusers archive
>Subject: [vtkusers] Re: vtkImagePlaneWidget problem on vtkImageData 
>tyry using class vtkImageViewer2, as it was meant for 2D image display 
>and has built in window-level functionality controlled by the mouse.
>vtkImagePlaneWidget is really designed to work with 3D image data.
>I have a simple 2D-image (vtkImageData). I want to be able to change 
>the window-level by the mouse. So I used a vtkImagePlaneWidget, which 
>implements that. Actual it works, but not as expected:
>The widget seems to be like a fog over the image. Some pixels habe the 
>original color, others have been set to black. If I turn the widget by 
>one of it's margins, I see again the proper image.
>vtkImageData* myImageData;
>vtkImagePlaneWidget* = myImagePlaneWidget;
>vtkLookupTable* = myLookupTable;
>//initialization ...
>myImagePlaneWidget->SetPlaneOrientation(2); //Z-Axe On(); 
>//more code ...
>Can anybody help?
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