[vtkusers] How to capture images from ONLY the RenderWindow?

Charles Boivin Charles.Boivin at rwdiwest.com
Wed Oct 27 15:23:18 EDT 2004

I believe vtkRenderWindow ends up instantiating something like a
vtkXMesaRenderWindow in the end (or whatever is more appropriate -- on
Windows, it ends up instantiating a vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow). 

I am relatively new to VTK, and have never used it under anything else
than Windows, so that is about as far as I know, unfortunately.
Hopefully people with more Linux/Unix experience will be able to help

Good luck,


>>> "Jared Cohen" <Jared.Cohen at noaa.gov> 10/27/04 01:12pm >>>
Actually, I'm not using "Mesa"; I'm using a regular vtkRenderWindow. Do

I need to use the Mesa version before offscreen rendering will work?

Charles Boivin wrote:

>Hi Jared,
>Hmmm.... I am running in the evil world of Microsoft, so I would not
>know anything about the MESA business. 
>Documentation says:
>virtual void vtkWindow::SetOffScreenRendering  	(int)  
>Create a window in memory instead of on the screen. This may not be
>supported for every type of window and on some windows you may need
>invoke this prior to the first render.
>Reimplemented in vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow, vtkXMesaRenderWindow,
>I am assuming that you are running a vtkXMesaRenderWindow then... I
>must say that the last sentence (about invoking this before the first
>render) is a bit strange, as I am not too sure how this would work
>Sorry I could not be of more help...
>>>>"Jared Cohen" <Jared.Cohen at noaa.gov> 10/27/04 12:14pm >>>
>Hi Charles, thanx for the quick reply! :-)
>Yes, I tried offscreen rendering, but it didn't seem to make any 
>difference at all. Do I need to enable this "MESA" thing before 
>offscreen rendering will work?
>Charles Boivin wrote:
>>Hey Jared,
>>Have you tried using offscreen rendering? Something like this:
>>... take a snapshot of the render window here
>>I use this to output a series of snapshots (to later create an
>>animation) and it seems to work fine for me, although I do not have
>>multiple windows that overlap each other. 
>>Hope this helps,
>>>>>"Jared Cohen" <Jared.Cohen at noaa.gov> 10/27/04 11:35am >>>
>> Hi all. I'm part of a team that's building a large, multi-window
>>one of the windows contains the VTK RenderWindow. We implemented a 
>>function to save the scene as a PNG, but there's a problem: if any
>>the other windows are in the way of the RenderWindow, they get 
>>incorporated into the resulting PNG snapshot! What I want to do is
>>a snapshot of ONLY the contents of the RenderWindow, regardless of 
>>whether or not there are other windows in front of the RenderWindow.
>>there a way to do this?

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