[vtkusers] Postgraduate opportunity - Ricerca collaboratori per ricerca nazionale

Ing. Francesco Fassi francesco.fassi at polimi.it
Tue Oct 26 05:46:33 EDT 2004

Our department is involved in a very important research program which name is SIDART (Sistema Integrato per la Diagnostica dei beni ARTistici).
This project involve many partners such CETMA (CEntro di progettazione, design & Tecnologie dei MAteriali), ENEA (Ente Nazionale Energie Alternative) and INOA. The target is to create a big embedded system for the diagnostics of artistic works, that allow to acquire, elaborate and aggregate measures and survey to carry out  operations in the restoration and conservation sector.

In particular our interest is directed to study, elaborate and model point clouds and 3D laser scanned surfaces for architectural structures.

The final aim is to create a software to support a laser scanner prototype that is built inside the project. 

These are the most important points our interest.

-         Surface recognition 

-         Surface extraction

-         Points decimation

-         Breaklines definition and extraction

-         Advanced methods of mesh creation

-    Mesh surface to nurbs 


We are searching qualified programmers and post graduates 

that are interested to cooperate in the research project.

These people must have good knowledge in 3D programming

(C++, openGL, 3D libraries)


Please contact Prof. Carlo Monti or Prof.ssa Raffaella Brumana for more information

and send Curriculum Vitae to these Mail Address if interested.

carlo.monti at polimi.it

raffaella.brumana at polimi.it

Or reply to this message.

Work place is in Brindisi (Italy)



Dipartimento di Ingegneria Idraulica, Infrastrutture Viarie, Ambientale e Rilevamento-Sezione Rilevamento

P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 MILANO - ITALY

Tel. +39 02 2399 6533 - Fax +39 02 2399 6550
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