[vtkusers] Canny - TCL to C++ conversion

Daniel Sidobre daniel.sidobre at laas.fr
Fri Oct 8 10:33:54 EDT 2004

Vous avez ecrit (dans votre message du 8 10 2004)
 > I am trying to create a Canny filter in C++.  I can successfully run the
 > Canny.tcl example, but I am having a hard time converting the Tcl code
 > into a C++ equivalent.


 So, I suppose you have write some Tcl code to create some Canny
 filter that you run successfully. And you want to translate it in c++.

 As a so general question the response is : it's probably impossible
 as Tcl has many concept that doesn't exist in c++. For example you
 can redefine all functions, you can evaluate expressions in differents
 stack levels, ...

 But, if from the begening of your writing, you have had in mind that
 you want to translate to c++, the job may be pretty easy. For each
 line add some comas and brackets and suppress some dollars.


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