[vtkusers] Interact with data in realtime

Mirelle Mellqvist mirelle_mellqvist at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 5 02:49:22 EDT 2004

Hi there!

I have a problem where I want to interact with my VTK application in real 
I have an unstructured mesh that I have read in with the 
unstructuredgridReader( a *.vtk file). In my vtk file I also have vectors 
values for the deformation of the mesh.I have  put it into an application 
where I use the WINAPI. I have two different pipelines. One for the deformed 
and one for the undeformed mesh.

Reader->..some filters....->PolyDataMapper

So to my question; How do I go from undeformed mesh to deformed mesh in my 
application by simple pressing a button in my windows application
I have had a glance at makin subclasses to vtkcommand as suggested by 
kitware in VTK users guide and then override the Execute function and then 
add an observer. But how to I add an observer to the button in my WINAPI 

So this is what i really want to do just change the mapper in real time. is 
it doable or is there a better way?

if(state1) actor->SetMapper(dataMapper);
else {


Thanks for your time. I would be really glad for any help
/Mirelle Mellqvist

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