[vtkusers] Scrolling a vtkTkImageViewerWidget

Erin McKay MckayEr at SESAHS.NSW.GOV.AU
Sun Nov 21 23:20:40 EST 2004

Hi all:

I'm building my first Tk/VTK utility and have run into a problem. I want to display a large image at full resolution in a scrollable panel. I created a scrolling frame in a canvas and placed a vtkTkImageViewerWidget inside it (see code below). Problem is that the image ignores the scroll frame bounds and renders itself out to the edge of the toplevel window. And it won't scroll, although the scrollbars seem to pick up the image bounds correctly. Other widgets placed in the scrollframe (lists of buttons, etc) scroll correctly.

Any suggestions?

------------------------------Sample Code---------------------------------
# run from the cmd line with: wish TkImageScroller.tcl

lappend auto_path /usr/local/lib/vtk/tcl
package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction

# CreateScrollFrame
proc CreateScrollFrame {win} {
	frame $win -class ScrollFrame

	scrollbar $win.xscroll -orient horizontal -command "$win.vport xview"
	scrollbar $win.yscroll -orient vertical -command "$win.vport yview"
	canvas $win.vport \
		-xscrollcommand "$win.xscroll set" \
		-yscrollcommand "$win.yscroll set"

	grid $win.vport -row 0 -column 0 -sticky news
	grid $win.yscroll -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns
	grid $win.xscroll -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew
	grid rowconfigure $win 0 -weight 1
	grid columnconfigure $win 0 -weight 1

	frame $win.vport.interior
	$win.vport create window 0 0 -anchor nw -window $win.vport.interior

	bind $win.vport.interior <Configure> "ScrollFrameResize $win"

	return $win

# ScrollFrameResize
proc ScrollFrameResize {win} {
	set bbox [$win.vport bbox all]
	set wd [winfo width $win.vport.interior]
	$win.vport configure -width $wd -scrollregion $bbox \
		-yscrollincrement 0.1i

# ScrollFrameInterior
proc ScrollFrameInterior {win} {
	return $win.vport.interior

# main
	# Create the image reader
	vtkImageReader reader
	  reader SetDataScalarType 4
	  reader SetDataExtent 0 511 0 511 0 0
	  reader SetFileName "test.img"

	reader Update
	scan [[reader GetOutput] GetWholeExtent] "%d %d %d %d %d %d" \
			xMin xMax yMin yMax zMin zMax
	vtkImageViewer viewer
	  viewer SetInput [reader GetOutput]
	  viewer SetZSlice 0
	  viewer SetColorWindow 300
	  viewer SetColorLevel 2150

	wm withdraw .
	toplevel .top
	wm protocol .top WM_DELETE_WINDOW ::vtk::cb_exit
	set scroller [CreateScrollFrame .top.scroller]
	set interior [ScrollFrameInterior $scroller]

	# Create the vtkTkImageViewerWidget
	set vtkiw [vtkTkImageViewerWidget $interior.viewPane \
			-width [expr ($xMax - $xMin + 1)] \
			-height [expr ($yMax - $yMin + 1)] \
			-iv viewer]

	# Setup some Tk bindings, a generic renwin
	# interactor and observers for the widget
	::vtk::bind_tk_imageviewer_widget $vtkiw

	pack $vtkiw -anchor nw -padx 3 -pady 3 -fill both -expand true
	pack $scroller -fill both -expand true


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