[vtkusers] Who has the VC++ version about annotatePick.tcl

de Boer Ingo I.deBoer at polytec.de
Wed Nov 10 08:03:42 EST 2004


try this:



Dr.-Ing. Ingo H. de Boer

Polytec GmbH
Polytec-Platz 1-7, 76337 Waldbronn, Germany
phone: ++49 7243 604 106
fax  : ++49 7243 604 255

-----Original Message-----
From: zfjgo [mailto:zfjgo at 126.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 1:56 PM
To: vtkusers at vtk.org
Subject: [vtkusers] Who has the VC++ version about annotatePick.tcl

the following is the VTK example: annotatePick.tcl.I want to convert it into VC++ and understand the usage of vtkpicker.
Who can help me?
Thanks a lot

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