[vtkusers] vtkgui 1.0 released

Silvano Imboden s.imboden at cineca.it
Mon Nov 8 03:53:44 EST 2004

vtkGUI is a free, open source program written in TCL/IncrTCL that was
initially inspired by vtkPipeline and vtkShow. Its purpose is to allow quick
assembly of a VTK pipeline in order to teach/learn/prototype with VTK.


vtkGUI its not meant to do any robust work. However, since it can save VTK
pipelines in both TCL and, to some extent, C++ it can be used as the
starting point for any bigger application.



- Easily create any VTK Object and connect them to form a pipeline

- Inspect / change any parameter of any created object

- Load / Save as plain TCL script 

- Saved files can be executed as stand alone scripts

- Loads "most" of the TCL VTK Examples (see the manual for limitations)

- Export as C++ source code



Silvano Imboden (Cineca - Italy): concept, previous version, supervision
Stefan Svensson, Katerina Vrotsou (M.Sc. media technology and engineering
students - Sweden): current release developers


Release notes: 

The current release is distributed for Windows only and is provided with an
installation program (40MB). vtkGUI will use it's own embedded versions of
TCL, IncrTCL and VTK so it should run immediately after the installation on
any machine. vtkGUI doesn't use/change any environment variable so it will
not disturb your previous installed TCL and VTK.


In theory vtkGUI should run also on Linux using different versions of VTK,
but the portability has not yet been properly tested. Some hints can be
found in the readme. Any feedback is welcome (mailto vtkgui at cineca.it). 








Silvano Imboden
CINECA Computing Center
Via Magnanelli 6/3
40033 Casalecchio di Reno
Bologna, Italy


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