[vtkusers] vtkImageActor->SetPosition()

Amy Henderson amy.henderson at kitware.com
Wed Nov 3 09:35:09 EST 2004

At 04:56 AM 11/3/2004, =?ISO-8859-2?Q?Michnay_Bal=E1zs?= wrote:
>Dear VTK Users,
>in the Class Reference of vtkImageActor there's a SetPosition method,
>which moves the image to the given coordinates. That's exactly what
>I'd like to use but the following statement results an error (SetPosition -
>  unknown identifier)
>m_iactor = vtkImageActor::New()
>m_iactor->SetPosition(...);  <- causes error message.
>The interesting part is that the documentation on my machine doesn't
>list SetPosition as a member of the vtkImageActor class... I'm using VTK
>4.2... (as far as I know...)

Evidently your documentation is from the development version of VTK, and 
the version of your copy of VTK is 4.2 (or maybe 4.4).  A few months ago 
(since the last release), the superclass of vtkImageActor wa changed from 
vtkProp to vtkProp3D.  vtkProp3D is the class that has the SetPosition 
method; vtkProp does not.

- Amy 

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