[vtkusers] results of testing ExampleTree apps in macosx 10.2.8
albert at pensament.net
Wed May 19 18:51:04 EDT 2004
For general interest - I don't know about a specific location to report
this testing.
MacOSX 10.2.8
VTK 4.4.2
java 1.4.1
SharingLibs ON, Hybrid ON, Wrap Java ON, Python ON, Tcl ON
Testing which apps from ExampleTree work:
setenv VTK_DATA_ROOT "path-to/VTKData-release-4-2/"
Command to launch : java -classpath .:/usr/local/lib/vtk/vtk.jar
-Djava.library.path="/usr/local/lib/vtk/" ExampleTree"
Mouse click does rotation
Mouse click + control does other sort of rotation.
Other (alt or command) do nothing.
All images in a separate window than the interface.
Closing any of the 2 windows does not terminate the subprogram nor does
produce any errors.
Despite, the image window usually opens before the empty window.
1- Annotation:
- AnnotatePick: works. Shows spicky gray ball with red text. Ball is
rotatable. Works without VTK_DATA_ROOT being set.
- CubeAxes: works. Shows rotatable tea pot.
- DispAllFonts: works. Slider increases/decreases font size. Letters
in yellow over blue.
- LabeledMesh: segmentation fault. Second run: empty window. No error
- Multiline text: empty window.
- TestText: empty window.
- TestTextOldWay: empty window.
- TextOrigin: works. "Origin" with vertical yellow line at the left.
- XYPlot: works. Rotatable fancy box on the left, 3 charts on the
rigth one on top of the other.
2- Data Manipulation:
- Arrays: empty window.
- BuildUGrid: empty window.
- CreateStrip: empty window.
- FinancialField: works. Fancy balls on axis "Monthly payment",
"Interest_Rate", and "Monthly_Income".
- Marching: bus error. Second run: works. Shows a marching annotated
- PointToCellData: empty large window.
3- GUI:
- BoxWidget: works. Shows spiky ball on black background.
- SimpleCone: bus error. Second run: works. Rotatable cone.
- TransformWithBoxWidget: works. Shows rotatable spiky ball on blue
- VolumeRenderWithBoxWidget: works slow. A black window with cube
sides and a head inside is shown. When rotated, it frozes and gets
blurry, then shows the new render.
- Contours2D: works. Concentric color cercles, rotatable.
- DrawOnImageCanvas: works. Shows triangle, circle, line on gray
- Histogram: works. Window with slider, which changes depth of image
(on separate window) and histogram (on a third window). Histogram only
updated when clicking it, and then clicking the blank window with the
- ImageIterator: works. Makes red square ROIs with mouse which are
zoomed in at mouse release.
- MandelbrotViewer: works. When clicking on empty interface, the
images on other windows are changed in some way.
4- IO
- Flamingo: empty window.
- Stl: empty window.
5- Medical:
- Medical1: empty window.
- Medical2: empty window. Second run from fresh: empty window. In the
past I saw the bottom half of a skull in 3D.
- Medical3: empty window.
6- Modelling:
- ConstrainedDelaunay: segmentation fault. Second run: empty window.
- Delaunay3D: works. Sort of origami red triangular faces in 3D.
- DelMesh: works. Flat, rotatable mesh with nodes.
- ExpCos: works. Fancy waves on a plane, like a milkdrop faling in
milk glass in slow motion.
- FaultLines: works. Shows a fault in 3D. Rotatable.
- Hello: works. Shows "Hello", rotatable.
- IceCream: empty window.
- PerlinTerrain: empty window.
- ProcrustesAlignment: wide empty window, and 3 small 3D images with 3
objects in red green and blue and others.
- Reconstructed surface: Segmentation fault. Second run: red cactus.
- SpherePuzzle: works. Rotatable and inner-rotatable face colors.
7- Rendering:
- Assembly: empty window.
- CADPart: empty window.
- CSpline: empty window.
- Cylinder: emtpy window.
- FilterCADPart: empty window.
- Rainbow: shows rotatable fancy box with color lamina inside.
- RenderLargeImage: empty box.
Second run: window with red bird.
- Tplane: Bus error. Second run: Says problems: File operation failed.
row = 255, Read = 256, Skip0 = 0, skip1 = 0, FilePos = -1, FileName =
Produces large empty window.
8- VisualizationAlgorithms
- BandContourTerrain: empty window. Second run from fresh: works. Two
rotatable mountains.
- ClipCow: empty window.
- ColorIsoSurface: fancy box with undescriptive colored shape inside.
Produced error at closing: Debug: In ..../VTK/vtkObject.cxx, line 234
vtkPLOT3DReaser (0x78418f0): Unregistered by NULL, ReferenceCount = 1
- CutCombustor: works. Fancy box with colored plane and bended grid.
- DeciFran: works. Shows rotatable orange 3D face.
- DepthSort: works. Shows 4 small balls rotatable around a larger one.
Colors change.
- ExactGeometry: works. Shows outlined box with fancy 3D cross-like
orange structure.
- ExactUGrid: works. Shows several rotatable meshes and a colored one.
- GenerateTextureCoordinates: works. Rotatable charcoal-looking piece.
- ImageWarp: errors: Says problems: File operation failed. row = 255,
Read = 256, Skip0 = 0, skip1 = 0, FilePos = -1, FileName =
and continued by a segmentation fault.
Second run: same error, no segmentation fault, shows emtpy window.
- OfficeTube: works. 3D colored tube in an `office`
- OfficeTubes: works. Same as above but many pipes.
- ProbeComb: works. fancy box containing 3 squares with wavy patterns
in colors.
- SmoothFran: empty window.
- SpikeF: works. Spiky rotatable face in colors.
- StreamSurface: segmentation fault. Second run: empty window.
- SubsampleGrid: works. Fancy box with colored plane.
- TextureThresholder: works. 3D space with several items and a wall.
Look greenish depending on view.
- VisQuad: empty window.
- WarpComb: empty window.
9- VolumeRendering:
- PseudoVolumeRendering: works. Fancy box with even fancier object
inside, in colors.
- SimpleRayCast: empty window. Second fresh run: Bus error.
- SimpleTextureMap2D: works. Shows several blobs arranged in funny 3D
pattern, showing several colors.
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