[vtkusers] comments on N dimensional images for vtk

Leila Baghdadi baghdadi at sickkids.ca
Wed Mar 31 11:00:34 EST 2004

Hi everyone

I am writing a vtk image reader for reading images from a new file format 
designed and coded by myself and my collaborator.

You can find the application API at the following link

It is called MINC2.0 and It is sitting over HDF5.

It has features like multi-resolution, compression and blocking 
it was designed to deal with large size images 
( >2 GB) and other issues that we are facing at our center.

This file format is also N dimensional.

So my main issue right now is come up with a smart way to extract 3-4 
dimensions out of the available dimensions and pass them to vtk.

If anyone can give me any advice or comments that would be great.

thanks for your time


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