[vtkusers] Does the vtk Delete methods recursively delete?

Veerapuram Varadhan v.varadhan at californiadigital.com
Wed Mar 17 04:06:26 EST 2004

Hi Benjamin,

No need to iterate though the prop collection, the delete() of vtkAssembly
object will essentially call delete() of each of the actors added to it.

It is a common funtionality of all Delete() in all the vtk classes.


V. Varadhan

> If I create an vtkAssembly class, add to it say 3 vtkActor objects using
> the AddPart(..) routine, and then do:
> myvtkAssbly->Delete();
> will this cause all of the vtkActor objects in the vtkAssembly object to
> have their own Delete() routine called upon them? or do I have to:
> aProp3dCollection = myvtkAssbly->GetParts()
> then iterate through the prop collection calling:
> (aProp3dCollection->GetNextProp())->Delete();
> to delete all the vtkActor objects in the assembly?
> Regards,
> Benjamin Burrell
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