[vtkusers] issues debugging vtk 4.2.5

Sébastien MARAUX sebastien.maraux at ondim.fr
Tue Mar 16 11:47:33 EST 2004

Hello again, 

I am trying to debug vtk 4.2.5. vtkCommon.dll
If vtk Release for vtkCommon is allright, 
This is not the case of relwithdebinfo and debug :
This output a message such as :
Entry point
?collectRevision at vtkLocator@@MAEXAAV?$basic_ostream at DU?$char_triats at D@st
d@@@std@@@Z not found in dynamically linked library vtkCommon.dll

I am using standard iostreams (using the option VTK_USE_ANSI_STDLIB) if
this can help.

Sebastien MARAUX

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