[vtkusers] How divide a 3D-object?

David.Pont at ForestResearch.co.nz David.Pont at ForestResearch.co.nz
Mon Jun 28 22:41:07 EDT 2004

Hi William,
     If the object is polygonal you can use vtkClipPolyData, with vtkPlane
as the implicit function. Use GenerateClippedOutputOn and GetClippedOutput
with GetOutput to get the pieces.

   Dave P

|         |           william oquendo  |
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|         |           29/06/2004 08:38 |
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  |       To:       vtkmail <vtkusers at vtk.org>                                                                                     |
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  |       Subject:  [vtkusers] How divide a 3D-object?                                                                             |

I am a new user of VTK. I need help to do the
following task: We have a 3D-object. Then, we cut it
using a plane (any orientation). My question is ¿How
can i divide  this object in two independent objects,
each separated of the  other by the plane?

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