[vtkusers] Active Scalars

tom fogal tfogal at apollo.sr.unh.edu
Mon Jul 26 19:08:27 EDT 2004

I'm curious about what exactly VTK does with the 'Active' scalar values
in a RectilinearGrid (or maybe it does the same for
Unstructured-/Structured- Grids, etc). I've been creating 2d cuts of a
dataset with one set of 'active' scalar values, creating images of
them, and today I've started using a whole new set but I'm still seeing
the same resulting images!

I assumed that a 2d cut of a RectilinearGrid would give me a rectangle
with the color at each location indication the value at that location,
where higher values are given a color closer to red, lower values
closer to blue. Perhaps this is not how vtkCutter works when given a
vtkPlane? Maybe it is using my active vector values... ?

Can anybody clarify how this works?


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