[vtkusers] Bugfix and new feature for vtkCaptionActor2D

Vladan Bato vbato at ieee.org
Tue Jul 20 06:32:01 EDT 2004


I'm attaching two patches for vtkCaptionActor2D.

The first one (vtkCaptionActor2D.patch1) fixes a bug when using 
viewports (see <http://www.vtk.org/Bug/bug.php?op=show&bugid=558&pos=0>).
I have also uploaded it in the bug-tracker.

The second one (vtkCaptionActor2D.patch2) adds a new feature: it adds 
the option to draw a filled box behind the caption. This has been copied 
from vtkLegendBoxActor.

There new boolean option is called Box and enables/disables the box, and 
a also added a function called GetBoxProperty() that returns the 
vtkProperty2D for the box and can be used to change its color (the 
background of the caption).

N.B. The second patch depends on the first, so apply them in that order.

N.B. The patches are against rev. 1.23 of vtkCaptionActor2D.cxx and rev. 
1.11 of vtkCaptionActor2D.h (the latest revisions on the 4.2 branch).
The patches can also be applied (with warnings, but it's ok) to the 
latest revisions on the 4.4 branch and on the main trunk (I haven't 
tested them, though).

Vladan Bato
vbato at ieee.org
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