[vtkusers] vtkFollower/vtkVectorText and SetScale Problem...

Andrea Gavana andrea.gavana at polymtl.ca
Tue Jul 13 15:28:38 EDT 2004

No one has a solution? I thought that many people use vtkVectorText + 
vtkFollower for 3D applications... and I think that the use of SetScale is 
wide... if I reformulate the question:

How can I adjust the scale of vtkVectorText (or vtkFollower) when I use 
SetScale on other actors (wireframe, surfaces...) in order to let vtkVectorText 
mantain its correct position? And first of all, is this possible? And if I can 
not, is this a bug/undocumented "feature" of vtkVectorText/vtkFollower?

It is really important, if someone else has a different solution (also with 
other vtk actors) in order to obtain the same result, everything is welcome.

Thank you for every suggestion.


Selon Andrea Gavana <andrea.gavana at polymtl.ca>:

> Hello Paul,
>       unfortunately, this does not help me a lot... I use a vtkFollower 
> together with a vtkVectorText, that is a bit different wrt what you are doing
> (or at least it seems different to me). Now I am able to correctly give the 
> position to the vtkFollower, but when I change the Scale of other actors
> (like 
> a 3D surface, wireframe, polydata line and so on), the vtkVectorText goes up,
> far away from the original position, and there is no way to get it at the 
> correct position. What I do is:
> atext = vtkpython.vtkVectorText()
> atext.SetText("MY WELL")
> textMapper = vtkpython.vtkPolyDataMapper()
> textMapper.SetInput(atext.GetOutput())
> textActor = vtkpython.vtkFollower()
> textActor.SetMapper(textMapper)
> xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = actsurface.GetBounds()
> scale = max((xmax-xmin),(ymax-ymin),(zmax-zmin))/100.0
> textActor.GetProperty().SetColor(1,1,1)
> xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = textActor.GetBounds()
> xl = (xmax - xmin)/2.0
> yl = (ymax - ymin)/2.0
> zl = (zmax - zmin)/2.0
> textActor.SetScale(scale,scale,scale)
> textActor.SetPosition(self.wellt[0,0]-xl,self.wellt[0,1]-yl,(self.wellt[0,2]-
> zl))
> When I change the scale of the other actors, the vtkvectortext gets messed
> up, 
> no matter what I do... I can change its scale, its position, nothing
> happens...
> Does anyone have a suggestion? It starts to appear to me like a bug.
> Thanks for your suggestions.
> Andrea.

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