[vtkusers] Re: RenderWindowInteractor on Mac OS X

Chris Scharver scharver at evl.uic.edu
Fri Feb 27 09:42:59 EST 2004

On Feb 27, 2004, at 6:23 AM, Markus wrote:

> I had an Expose function on my middle mouse button, but after changing 
> that,
> the middle button indeed translates the image, and the right button 
> does
> nothing at all :(   And still no keyboard events.

You need to do one of two things to get your executable to properly 
register with the MacOS X window manager:

1) Add a resource fork to the file using the command "Rez Carbon.r -o 
foo". This will add some resources to your file, but note that this 
means that you now have a unique MacOS X file. You cannot back it up 
with tar or zip without losing information. Resource forks are 
depreciated in the current MacOS in favor of...

2) Package your executable within a MacOS X application package:
mkdir -p foo.app/Contents/MacOS
cp foo foo.app/Contents/MacOS

I usually use #1 during testing since it's the quickest and easiest, 
and then I use #2 when I need to provide an application to somebody 

Chris Scharver
Electronic Visualization Laboratory
The University of Illinois at Chicago
Ph: 312-996-3002   FAX: 312-413-7585

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