[vtkusers] isosurface plane through an vtkUnstructuredGrid

Arne Mittelstaedt a.mittelstaedt at tu-bs.de
Sun Aug 15 08:01:37 EDT 2004


I want to realize an isoSurface-plane through a vtkUnstructuredGrid with
FlowData (points in space, vectors for direction and scalar-Values for
velocity). Have anyone an example for that? I will describe it more

So far I have a solution with Glyph3D(cones), defining a vtkPlane and a
vtkPlaneCut with Glyph Input (see source at bottom). It looks nice, but it
remember to videogames from 1980. Which pipeline I have to build, so that
the an isosurface plane represent the scalar values from my
UnstructuredGrid? And coloring into a range (blue für small, red for high
Another way I was thinking over are Streamlines, but I have never found an
Example for Streamlines that can take Data from an unstructuredGrid.

How can I realize such plane/streamline? Does I have to convert the
UnstructuredGridData into another Dataset?

Thank you very much in advance
  Arne Mittelstaedt

vtkUnstructuredGrid ugrid = new vtkUnstructuredGrid();
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++)
       (...) //Read Data from Flow Simulation

       points.InsertPoint(i, x1, x2, x3); //so far symmetrical values
       scalars.InsertValue(i, s);
       vectors.InsertTuple3(i, v1, v2, v3);


vtkConeSource   cones   = new vtkConeSource();
vtkGlyph3D      glyph   = new vtkGlyph3D();
glyph.SetInput(ugrid); //the unstructuredGrid

vtkPlane plane = new vtkPlane();
plane.SetNormal(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

vtkCutter planeCut = new vtkCutter();

vtkPolyDataMapper cutMapper = new vtkPolyDataMapper();

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