[vtkusers] Clipping Planes

James Robinson j.robinson at kepler-systems.com
Wed Aug 11 06:24:22 EDT 2004

Dear All,


I am having trouble (again) with clipping planes. I am trying to create a
viewer to view results of an FE analysis. Part of the results are the
displacements at the nodes of the finite element mesh. I read in the FE mesh
into a vtkUnstructuredGrid with the displacements as a vector field. I then
create a displaced geometry by adding them to the vtkUnstructuredGrid
geometry as follows:


void CSampleDoc::AddDisplacement(float factor)

{   vtkFloatArray *pDisplacement =
(vtkFloatArray*)this->pUnstructuredGrid->GetPointData()->GetVectors() ;


            vtkPoints* pNodalGeometry = this->pUnstructuredGrid->GetPoints()


            if (pDisplacement==NULL)

            { AfxMessageBox("No displacement set") ;

              return ;




            float newcoords[3] ;

            float* x ;

            float* delta ;


            for (int i = 0; i < pNodalGeometry->GetNumberOfPoints(); i++)


               x = pNodalGeometry->GetPoint(i) ;

       delta = pDisplacement->GetTuple(i) ;

               for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)

       { newcoords[j] = x[j] + factor*delta[j] ;


       pNodalGeometry->SetPoint(i,newcoords) ;


    this->pUnstructuredGrid->Update() ;

    this->pGeometry->SetInput(pUnstructuredGrid) ;


    this->pMeshMapper->Update() ;

    this->pMeshActor->SetMapper(this->pMeshMapper) ;



This works (with some other quirky behaviour which I have circumvented). But
a problem that I am having difficulty with is that the clipping planes
remain as if the geometry hadn't been altered. Thus, as I rotate the object
(in trackball camera mode) the displaced object disappears. I have checked
the bounds of the viewable objects (using
Renderer->ComputeVisiblePropBounds(bounds) ;) and they are unaltered - thus
all the AutoClipping is thrown out of whack. It may very well be that (a) I
am doing things that are not meant to be catered for in vtk or (b) there is
a better (preferably simpler) way of achieving this effect. 


All suggestions gratefully welcomed.




James C Robinson, PhD, Chartered Engineer,

*     42 Rivergrove,


         Co. Cork,


'     +353 21 4822028

         +353 87 2393010

6      +353 21 4822028

*    j.robinson at kepler-systems.com 


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