[vtkusers] polydata attributes

Chris Kennedy vtk072404 at thinkpeak.com
Tue Aug 3 11:12:06 EDT 2004

I have 2d polydata that contains numerous loops, and when I use 
LinearExtrude I'd like to be able to have unique attributes assigned to 
each cell and then write this 3d representation out in VTK format.

I can see in the eleState.tcl example how to have  each cell extruded a 
different dimension, but I don't see yet how to assign attributes, etc 
that are carried forward into a 3d vtk file representation. Ie, lets say 
I wanted to name each state and then export this from VTK for use in 
another program and I want the state's names to be available.

Should I be looking at the XML based formats? Do I need to extend one of 
these so I can tag the info with the required attributes?


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