[vtkusers] QuadraticHexahedra

James C. Robinson j.robinson at kepler-systems.com
Wed Apr 28 06:04:58 EDT 2004

Dear All,

Before I begin - I don't have simple example code to demonstrate the
problem, but I still cannot implement the vtkQuadraticHexahedra properly. (I
am using v4.2.). I have my code set up for multiple builds, so I can choose
which version to compile with, as well as which element (cell)
representation to use in VTK. When I use the linear hexahedra, both the
vtkCutter probe and the vtkStreamTracer are behaving well. However, when I
change to vtkQuadraticHexahedra, neither work - that is, the cut surface is
not there and the streamtube (which is based on the vtkStreamTracer) is not
there either.

Here are some simple snippets:
  vtkUnstructuredGridReader *pMeshReader ;
  vtkUnstructuredGrid       *pUnstructuredGrid ;
  vtkGeometryFilter         *pGeometry ;

  vtkPlane          *pPlane ;
  CPlane            *pCutPlane ;
  vtkCutter         *pCrossSection ;
  vtkClipPolyData   *pXSectionClipper ;
  vtkAppendPolyData *pCutMeshData ;
  vtkPolyDataMapper *pXSectionPressureMapper;
  vtkActor          *pCrossSectionPressureActor ;
  vtkPolyDataMapper *pXSectionMaterialMapper;
  vtkActor          *pCrossSectionMaterialActor ;
  vtkFeatureEdges   *pCutWireFrame ;
  vtkPolyDataMapper *pCutWireFrameMapper;
  vtkActor          *pCutEdgeActor;

// A plane and cross section
  pMeshReader   = vtkUnstructuredGridReader::New();
   pGeometry     = vtkGeometryFilter::New() ;
// The file is linked to the vtkUnstructuredGridReader in here
  pUnstructuredGrid = pMeshReader->GetOutput() ;
   pGeometry->SetInput(pUnstructuredGrid) ;

  pPlane = vtkPlane::New() ;
  pCrossSection = vtkCutter::New() ;
  pXSectionClipper = vtkClipPolyData::New() ;
  pCutMeshData = vtkAppendPolyData::New() ;

  pXSectionPressureMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New() ;
  pXSectionMaterialMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New() ;
  pCrossSectionPressureActor = vtkActor::New();
  pCrossSectionMaterialActor = vtkActor::New();

  pCutWireFrame = vtkFeatureEdges::New() ;
  pCutWireFrameMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New() ;
  pCutEdgeActor = vtkActor::New();

  pCutPlane = new CPlane() ;  // My own class
  pMyFlowPlane = new CPlane() ;

// The plane used to cut the mesh
    pPlane->SetOrigin(0.0,0.0,0.0) ; // Mid point of the wellbore
   pPlane->SetNormal(0.0,1.0,0.0) ;

// The actual plane surface
    pCrossSection->SetInput(pMeshReader->GetOutput()) ;
	pCrossSection->SetCutFunction(pPlane) ;

// What is left after the cut is made
    pXSectionClipper->SetInput(pGeometry->GetOutput()) ;
	pXSectionClipper->SetClipFunction(pPlane) ;

    pCutMeshData->AddInput(pXSectionClipper->GetOutput()) ;
    pCutMeshData->AddInput(pCrossSection->GetOutput()) ;

    if (CreateLookUpTable) pXSectionPressureMapper->SetLookupTable(pLut) ;
	pXSectionPressureMapper->SetInput(pCutMeshData->GetOutput()) ;

    if (CreateLookUpTable) pXSectionMaterialMapper->SetLookupTable(pMatLut)
	pXSectionMaterialMapper->SetInput(pCutMeshData->GetOutput()) ;
	pXSectionMaterialMapper->SetScalarModeToUseCellData() ;


    pCutWireFrame->SetInput(pCutMeshData->GetOutput()) ;
    pCutWireFrame->ManifoldEdgesOn() ;
	pCutWireFrameMapper->SetInput(pCutWireFrame->GetOutput()) ;
	pCutWireFrameMapper->ScalarVisibilityOff() ;

    (pCutEdgeActor->GetProperty())->SetColor(0.0,0.0,0.0) ;

I give up... trying to extract the pertinent bits is a little arduous.
Instead, think of it this way... Have any of you successfully used vtkCutter
to slice through a quadhex mesh? If yes, have you examples of code.
Similarly on examples of vtkStreamTracer with quad hexes.

Many thanks,


James C. Robinson, PhD,
Chartered Engineer,
Kepler Simulation Systems Ltd.,
42 Rivergrove, 
Glanmire, Co. Cork,

Tel:         +353-21-4822028
Tel:         +353-87-2393010
Fax:        +353-21-4822028
E-mail:     j.robinson at kepler-systems.com

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