[vtkusers] Pipeline introspection

Charl P. Botha c.p.botha at ewi.tudelft.nl
Wed Apr 28 04:55:29 EDT 2004

On Tue, 2004-04-27 at 23:36, Brian Rowe wrote:
> I'm considering writing some code that will be able to analyze the 
> objects in an arbitrary pipeline at run time.  It will then provide 
> methods that will return any given attribute from an object in the 
> pipeline.  It will also be able to modify those attributes.  I intend 
> this to be a "control" object for a view that will display the pipeline 
> responsible for a given rendering.
> My question is: What's the best way to do this(lol).  Currently the 
> only/best way is to embed the python interpreter, and use it to 
> "introspect" the pipeline.  This seems like quite a large amount of 
> overhead to enable this feature, but I think, ultimately, it will be 
> worth it.  It will definitely be worth it if there's a less expensive 
> (c++ native) way of doing it.

People have been there, done that and they did get the t-shirts ;)  :

charl p. botha http://cpbotha.net/ http://visualisation.tudelft.nl/

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