[vtkusers] filling a mould

David.Pont at ForestResearch.co.nz David.Pont at ForestResearch.co.nz
Mon Apr 26 17:50:24 EDT 2004

Hi Rob,
   clip the mould with a vtkPlanes placed at the surface level (avoiding
the part to the left) and render opaque? This should give the wet part of
the mould. To get the free surface... you could move the planes down 'a
bit', clip (InsideOut) the countour surface and render that too? There
might be problems around the junction.

Ideally you want to clip the mould with a bounded plane (wet mould), and
then clip the plane with the mould (free surface). I can send you a C++
class to clip polydata with polydata if you like. It has "issues", one of
which is that there may be still gaps around the junction.

By the way... how did you generate the data to contour? maybe there is a
way of getting higher resolution to solve the problem that way.

    Dave P

|         |           Rob van Tol      |
|         |           <Rob.VanTol at wtcm.|
|         |           be>              |
|         |           Sent by:         |
|         |           vtkusers-admin at vt|
|         |           k.org            |
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|         |                            |
|         |           27/04/2004 05:07 |
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  |                                                                                                                                |
  |       To:       vtkusers at vtk.org                                                                                               |
  |       cc:                                                                                                                      |
  |       Subject:  [vtkusers] (no subject)                                                                                        |

Dear vtkusers,

I am developing a tool to show the filling of a mould. The mould is shown
as a transparent vtkPolyData ( originally an stl-file ).
I can show the liquid in the mould by specifying a certain isovalue and
plot the isosurface. The free surface of the liquid looks great. However,
the isosurface, at a certain isovalue, never coincides exactly with the stl
file. This looks very bad. (See attachment)
So, what I actually would like to do is make an image of the free surface
at a certain isovalue, and color the wetted part of the stl surface,
leaving the unwetted part transparent.

Does anyone out there have any idea how to tackle this problem?

Best regards,


dr. R. van Tol
Computer Simulations and Foundry Processes
tel.:09 2645704 - fax:09 2645848
mailto:rob.vantol at wtcm.be

WTCM-CRIF Belgian Center of the Technological Industry
Technologiepark 915, B-9052 Gent-Zwijnaarde
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(See attached file: Clipboard.jpg)

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