[vtkusers] ComputeTransformedOrigin bug in vtkImageReader.cxx
Josh Snyder
jsnyder at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Fri Apr 23 12:23:26 EDT 2004
The code below reproduces the problem, and is similar to the example
described further down. The transform supplied to the vtkImageReader
should reflect the first dimension of the data around x = 0 by
transforming its -1 0 0 origin to 1 0 0. Instead, the new origin is 0 0
0. Plugging different origin/dimensions/extent values into this code
reveals the same offset error every time.
vtkImageData id
id SetDimensions 1 1 1
id AllocateScalars
vtkImageWriter iw
iw SetFileDimensionality 2
iw SetFileName test.dat
iw SetInput id
iw Write
vtkImageReader ir
ir SetFileDimensionality 2
ir SetFileName test.dat
ir SetDataOrigin -1 0 0
ir SetDataSpacing 1 1 1
ir SetDataExtent 0 0 0 0 0 0
vtkMatrix4x4 m
m SetElement 0 0 -1
vtkTransform t
t SetMatrix m
ir SetTransform t
ir Update
[ir GetOutput] GetOrigin
Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
> Josh,
> Could you provide us with a sample code that reproduce the problem ?
> Thanks
> Mathieu
> Josh Snyder wrote:
>> Making this change fixed my problem. Could someone verify this and
>> check it in?
>> Josh
>> Josh Snyder wrote:
>>> I've run into a problem using vtkImageReader with the SetTransform
>>> functionality, and I think it's due to the line of code referenced
>>> in the post below (line 495 in the current CVS version). It seems to
>>> me that the older version (w/out the +1) was correct. My
>>> understanding is that if the Transform specifies an axis reversal,
>>> the order of the voxels along that axis needs to be reversed, and
>>> the origin coordinate for that axis needs to be shifted so that the
>>> voxels originally occurring at negative locations become positive
>>> and vice versa. The former step is handled by the inverse transform
>>> of the increments during the vtkImageReaderUpdate2 method, and the
>>> latter by the code mentioned below. I think the +1 addition is a
>>> bug. For example, consider the case where the extent in the y
>>> direction consists of a single voxel situated at y = -1, and the
>>> Transform specifies that this axis be reversed. This line should
>>> translate the origin to +1, so that the voxel is newly situated at +1.
>>> In this case, the variables would be set as follows:
>>> original origin[1] = -1
>>> original spacing[1] = 1
>>> Transform =
>>> 1 0 0 0
>>> 0 -1 0 0
>>> 0 0 1 0
>>> 0 0 0 1
>>> yields
>>> transformedOrigin[1] = 1
>>> transformedSpacing[1] = -1
>>> transformedExtent[3] = 0
>>> transformedExtent[2] = 0
>>> i = 1
>>> The current code:
>>> origin[i] = transformedOrigin[i] +
>>> transformedSpacing[i]*(transformedExtent[i*2+1] -
>>> transformedExtent[i*2] + 1)
>>> = 1 + (-1 * (0 - 0 + 1)) = 1 - 1 = 0
>>> The old (correct?) code:
>>> origin[i] = transformedOrigin[i] +
>>> transformedSpacing[i]*(transformedExtent[i*2+1] -
>>> transformedExtent[i*2])
>>> = 1 + (-1 * (0 - 0)) = 1 + 0 = 1
>>> Is my understanding of this correct, or is there something I'm missing?
>>> Josh
>>>> Simon,
>>>> I checked in your corrections this morning. I also fixed
>>>> graphics/vtkVolume16Reader. Its logic was
>>>> also flawed.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Bill
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Simon Warfield [mailto:warfield at bwh.harvard.edu
>>>> <mailto:warfield%20at%20bwh.harvard.edu>]
>>>> Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 7:09 PM
>>>> To: vtkusers at public.kitware.com
>>>> <mailto:vtkusers%20at%20public.kitware.com>
>>>> Subject: [vtkusers] bug in vtkImageReader.cxx ?
>>>> I notice that if I read some image data using vtkImageReader and
>>>> transform
>>>> it to correct for patient orientation using the
>>>> vtkImagerReader::SetTransform
>>>> function, then the new origin is at an unexpected location.
>>>> I get data looking like:
>>>> # vtk DataFile Version 3.0
>>>> vtk output
>>>> DIMENSIONS 256 256 90
>>>> SPACING 0.703125 0.703125 1.5
>>>> ORIGIN -90 -89.2969 -67.5
>>>> CELL_DATA 5787225
>>>> POINT_DATA 5898240
>>>> When I expect to get data looking like:
>>>> # vtk DataFile Version 3.0
>>>> vtk output
>>>> DIMENSIONS 256 256 90
>>>> SPACING 0.703125 0.703125 1.5
>>>> ORIGIN -90 -90 -67.5
>>>> CELL_DATA 5787225
>>>> POINT_DATA 5898240
>>>> I think the problem is that line 936 of imaging/vtkImageReader.cxx
>>>> should not
>>>> read
>>>> (transformedExtent[i*2+1] - transformedExtent[i*2]);
>>>> but instead should be:
>>>> (transformedExtent[i*2+1] - transformedExtent[i*2]+1);
>>>> This part of vtkImageReader.cxx in the latest vtk nightly is doing
>>>> a shift of the origin when an axis is reflected, but seems to be
>>>> using one less
>>>> than the width of the data to compute the new origin. I think the
>>>> width
>>>> of the data should be used.
>>>> Could someone check this, and make the change to the CVS
>>>> repository if it
>>>> should be fixed ?
>>>> --
>>>> Simon Warfield, Ph.D. warfield at bwh.harvard.edu
>>>> <mailto:warfield%20at%20bwh.harvard.edu> Phone:617-732-7090
>>>> http://www.spl.harvard.edu/~warfield
>>>> <http://www.spl.harvard.edu/%7Ewarfield> FAX: 617-582-6033
>>>> Thorn 329, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
>>>> Department of Radiology, 75 Francis St, Boston, MA, 02115
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