[vtkusers] AllocateOutputData of vtkImageSource

Simon DROUIN sdrouin at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Thu Apr 8 11:23:50 EDT 2004

Hi Leila,

I wanted to ask the same question. I tought about setting a flag the 
first time UpdateInformation is called to prevent it from executing all 
the code twice. I don't think it is very vtk-friendly tought.


Leila Baghdadi wrote:

>Hi everyone
>I am writing a reader for my file format and I have vtkImageReader2 as its 
>In my own reader at ExecuteData I have
>vtkImageData *data = this->AllocateOutputData(output);
>and I noticed that calling AllocateOutputData will result in 
>ExecuteInformation to be called twice,
>so I have checked vtkImageSource and I see there is a message there saying
>this->ExecuteInformation() should be eliminated but nevertheless 
>it is there for the time being
>so my question is
>what kind of inefficiency are we talking about when the
>ExecuteInformation of my own reader is called twice.
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