[vtkusers] reading a stack of bmp files

John Hunter jdhunter at ace.bsd.uchicago.edu
Mon Apr 5 09:13:11 EDT 2004

>>>>> "megha" == megha agarwal <megha_agar at yahoo.co.in> writes:

    megha> Dear frens' I have a series of bmp files say foo1.bmp,
    megha> foo2.bmp......etc. I want to read in these files and stack
    megha> them to generate a 3D image.  Plz suggest.

# For 512 x 512 images foo1 to foo100
reader = vtk.vtkBMPReader()
reader.SetDataExtent(0, 511, 0, 511, 1, 100)
# %s is the prefix above. %d is the format string for the numbers; 
# Eg, use%03d for files like foo001.bmp, etc
reader.SetDataSpacing(sx, sy, sz) # convert to data coords if you want

imageData = reader.GetOutput()

You can pass the image data to whatever image handler you want, eg


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