[vtkusers] vtkInputPort & vtkOutputPort

Randy Hudson hudson at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Sep 26 13:44:05 EDT 2003

I have an application that does parallel (and, when using 1 process, 
serial) visualization via vtkMultiProcessController, vtkInputPort and 

When processing in parallel, I use the ports to transfer pieces of 
isosurface back to the master process.  The pieces are joined there into a 
vtkAppendPolyData object and rendered.

I also use vtkAssignAttribute to allow concurrent display of isosurfaces 
for multiple data variables (from the same domain).  (This is used in 
parallel and serial processing.)

I am also implementing X, Y and Z cutting planes -- one set for each variable.

The parallel processing and multiple data variables work fine for 
isosurfaces, and I can create and display multiple sets of cutting planes 
in serial mode, but when I try the cutting planes in parallel, the app fails:
1)  it will display an X cutting plane for a single variable, but hangs 
when I try to display Y or Z planes (at least one process seems to be 
waiting for an MPI receive);
2)  if I try to display X planes for 2 variables, the parts of them that 
were created on different processors get mixed:  what had been a part of 
the 1st X plane now is where that part of the 2nd X plane should be.

I've verified that all my vtkInputPort and vtkOutputPort tags are correct, 
and that I'm properly using the ports.

1)  Is there a limit to how high an integer a tag can be?
2)  Is there a limit to how many ports I can use?  (I'm using 4.)
3)  Any other ideas?

Thanks, much.

Randy Hudson.

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