[vtkusers] Why vtkTriangleFilter does not work ?

Bradley Lowekamp lowekab at mail.nlm.nih.gov
Fri Sep 12 08:55:57 EDT 2003

I would not be surprised is there were not some weird triangles coming 
out if the decimation. What version of vtk are you using? (there are 
some big improvements to the decimation class) Is the mesh "valid" if 
you don't simplify? What about if you simplify to different levels?


On Friday, September 12, 2003, at 05:56 AM, bxb1280 wrote:

> Drear All:
>   I use the following steps to generate the "pure" triangle meshes from
> 3d vtkImageData, but found that there are serveral lines in the 
> polydata.
>  vtkmarchingcubes->SetInput(vtkImageData->Getoutput());
>  vtkTriangleFilter->SetInput(vtkmarchingcubes->Getoutput());
>  vtkTriangleFilter->PassVertsOff();
>  vtkTriangleFilter->PassLinesOff();
>  vtkQuadricDecimation->SetInput(vtkTriangleFilter->Getoutput());
>  vtkCleanPolyData->SetInput(vtkQuadricDecimation->Getoutput());
>  vtkTriangleFilter->SetInput(vtkCleanPolyData->Getoutput());
>  vtkTriangleFilter->PassVertsOff();
>  vtkTriangleFilter->PassLinesOff();
>  ...save the data to files
> the document said there should no lines and vertices in triangle meshes
> if setting the PassLinesOff() and PassVertsOff(),but it does not work 
> at all!
> I use Ansys software to import the polydata, it said "the line 18 is 
> used 1 times,
> please check the data"
> Can anybody tell me how to obtain the "pure" triangle meshes?,that is 
> no additional
> lines and vertices in the mesh.
>  Thanks a lot!
> kenny wang
>               bxb1280
>               bxb1280 at sina.com
>                  2003-09-12
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