[vtkusers] reducing triangles

Patrick Schuska schuska at dbi.udel.edu
Tue Oct 28 16:57:29 EST 2003

I`m reading triangle datas out of an object file. I also have no problems to
render it.
But when I try to reduce the triangles, the result looks weir. It only
deletes some triangles and doesn`t compute the others new, so that I have
got a lot of holes in my image.
What is in my code wrong, or what can I do, so that I got a reduced, good
looking result???
# Create the reader for the data
vtkOBJReader reader1
 reader1 SetFileName "D:/amira/fulltriangles/kidneysfull.obj"
vtkDecimatePro decimator
    decimator SetInput [reader1 GetOutput]
    decimator SetTargetReduction 0.77
    decimator PreserveTopologyOn
vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter smoother
    smoother SetInput [decimator GetOutput]
    smoother SetNumberOfIterations 50
vtkPolyDataNormals normals
    normals SetInput [smoother GetOutput]
    normals FlipNormalsOn
vtkPolyDataMapper mapOutline1 
  mapOutline1 SetInput [normals GetOutput]
Greetz, Patrick
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