[vtkusers] How can I let the VTK know where to find the correct tk.tcl ?

Rao Jianguo rao.jianguo at hgu.mrc.ac.uk
Mon Oct 6 11:07:46 EDT 2003

Hello everyone,

I have the VTK installed. but when I run vtk.

it comes up with vtk

Application initialization failed: Can't find a usable tk.tcl in the following
al/lib/tk8.4 /net/talisker/export/xdata4/rjianguo/tapeContents/vtkNew/VTK/binFo
VTK/lib/tk8.4 /net/talisker/export/xdata4/rjianguo/tapeContents/vtkNew/VTK/lib/
k8.4 /net/talisker/export/xdata4/rjianguo/tapeContents/vtkNew/VTK/binForVTK/lib
ary /net/talisker/export/xdata4/rjianguo/tapeContents/vtkNew/VTK/library /net/t
lisker/export/xdata4/rjianguo/tapeContents/vtkNew/VTK/tk8.4.4/library /net/tali

This probably means that tk wasn't installed properly.


My question is how can i let the VTK know the correct path to tk.tcl ?

Thanks for your attention.


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