[vtkusers] trouble compiling with Tcl wrapping and VolumePro 1000?

A Peckham, Engineering 02 ap0345 at bristol.ac.uk
Thu Nov 27 08:28:58 EST 2003


I wonder if anyone can help with this compilation problem...

I am compiling VTK in Visual C++ 6.0 with VolumePro 1000 support enabled.

I get no errors if VTK_WRAP_TCL is OFF, but I always get errors with
VTK_WRAP_TCL set to ON, which is what I require.

The errors seem to alter depending on the Tcl version used; with Tcl 8.4 I
get 64 errors...

With the latest version of Tcl ( I get 2 errors saying that
tkWinInt.h could not be found, but I am sure the path is right in CMake,
this is it:


Any ideas as to what is going wrong?



A Peckham, Engineering 02
ap0345 at bristol.ac.uk

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