[vtkusers] ChomboVis and VTK 4.x...

Terry J. Ligocki tjligocki at lbl.gov
Fri Nov 7 18:13:43 EST 2003


You, and several others, make some very valid points about ChomboVis 
using VTK 3.2 and not VTK 4.x.  See my previous e-mail for some 
additional details pertaining to this topic.  I am passing this entire 
discussion onto our development team so that it can be weighed with our 
other priorities - it is definitely good to see and participate in this 

Also, please let us know if we can work with you in some way to help you 
take advantage of any of the ChomboVis tools and we will do what we can 
to help - this, of course, applies to anyone who is interested in using 
ChomboVis to do AMR data analysis and visualization...

        Terry J. (Ligocki, tjligocki at lbl.gov)
        Applied Numerical Algorithms Group
        Computer Research Division
        Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Tom Bridgman wrote:

> Terry,
> I have some familiarity with ChomboVis - I share an office with a 
> person working with the NASA CT (Computational Technologies) group. I 
> believe we have some older version of it installed on one of our IRIX 
> systems. He points out the drawback of currently it is only pre-VTK 
> 4.0 and we're already using VTK 4.2. Also, recently we obtained 
> successful builds of VTK and MayaVi on MacOS X and I'd like that 
> capability so 'work from home' is occasionally an option...

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