[vtkusers] windows Bug fix in VTK/Wrapping/Tcl/vtkbase/vtkbase.tcl, load_component for the vtkMy Example

Ulfar Mani Fridjonsson ulfar.mani.fridjonsson at uni-c.dk
Wed May 28 13:19:59 EDT 2003


It seems to me that the TCLLIBPATH is not used on the Windows platform for
loading external packages ie. the vtkMy project.

if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
if {[info exists env(PATH)]} {
# I added it here as the $auto_path shown below
set dirs [concat $dirs $auto_path [split $env(PATH) ";"]]

There is also problem with my Windows TCL implementation that stops me from
loading my libraries using the a full path if the library has dependencies.
The problem is that my TCL can't find the other dependencies. I made a
workaround for this problem witch dirs to the directories where the
libraries are found, loads them, and returns to pwd. For the unix platform
the source is unchanged.

if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
foreach dir $dirs {
set libname [file join $dir ${prefix}${name}${ext}]
if {[file exists $libname]} {
if {![catch {load $libname} errormsg]} {
# WARNING: it HAS to be "" so that pkg_mkIndex work (since
# while evaluating a package ::vtk::load_component won't
# exist and will default to the unknown() proc that
# returns ""
return ""
} elseif {$::vtk::complain_on_loading} {
# If not loaded but file was found, oops
puts stderr $errormsg
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
# store pwd
set temppwd [pwd]
foreach dir $dirs {
set libname [file join $dir ${prefix}${name}${ext}]
if {[file exists $libname]} {
# if the directory is different for the library go to it
if {$dir != "" } {
cd $dir

if {![catch {load [join ${prefix}${name}${ext}]} errormsg]} {
# WARNING: it HAS to be "" so that pkg_mkIndex work (since
# while evaluating a package ::vtk::load_component won't
# exist and will default to the unknown() proc that
# returns ""
return ""
} elseif {$::vtk::complain_on_loading} {
# If not loaded but file was found, oops
puts stderr $errormsg
# change the directory back to pwd
cd $temppwd

Hope it will help you.
Best regards,

 Ulfar Mani Fridjonsson

The entire file is shown below
package provide vtkbase 4.3
namespace eval ::vtk {
namespace export *
# load_component: load a VTK component
# Example: ::vtk::load_component vtkFilteringTCL
# Windows: the 'load' command looks for DLL in the Tcl/Tk dir,
# the current dir, c:\window\system[32], c:\windows and the dirs
# listed in the PATH environment var.
# Unix: the 'load' command looks for shared libs in dirs listed in the
# LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment var.
variable complain_on_loading 1
proc load_component {name {optional_paths {}}} {
global tcl_platform auto_path env
# First dir is empty, to let Tcl try in the current dir
set dirs $optional_paths
set dirs [concat $dirs {""}]
set ext [info sharedlibextension]
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
set prefix "lib"
# Help Unix a bit by browsing into $auto_path and /usr/lib...
set dirs [concat $dirs /usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib/vtk $auto_path]
if {[info exists env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)]} {
set dirs [concat $dirs [split $env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) ":"]]
if {[info exists env(PATH)]} {
set dirs [concat $dirs [split $env(PATH) ":"]]
} else {
set prefix ""
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
if {[info exists env(PATH)]} {
set dirs [concat $dirs $auto_path [split $env(PATH) ";"]]
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
foreach dir $dirs {
set libname [file join $dir ${prefix}${name}${ext}]
if {[file exists $libname]} {
if {![catch {load $libname} errormsg]} {
# WARNING: it HAS to be "" so that pkg_mkIndex work (since
# while evaluating a package ::vtk::load_component won't
# exist and will default to the unknown() proc that
# returns ""
return ""
} elseif {$::vtk::complain_on_loading} {
# If not loaded but file was found, oops
puts stderr $errormsg
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
set temppwd [pwd]
foreach dir $dirs {
set libname [file join $dir ${prefix}${name}${ext}]
if {[file exists $libname]} {
if {$dir != "" } {
cd $dir
if {![catch {load [join ${prefix}${name}${ext}]} errormsg]} {
# WARNING: it HAS to be "" so that pkg_mkIndex work (since
# while evaluating a package ::vtk::load_component won't
# exist and will default to the unknown() proc that
# returns ""
return ""
} elseif {$::vtk::complain_on_loading} {
# If not loaded but file was found, oops
puts stderr $errormsg
cd $temppwd
if {$::vtk::complain_on_loading} {
puts stderr "::vtk::load_component: $name could not be found."
return 1
# Function returning either a command line argument, an environment
# variable or a default value.
proc get_arg_or_env_or_default {arg envvar def} {
# Look at command line args
global argc argv
if {[info exists argc]} {
set argcm1 [expr $argc - 1]
for {set i 0} {$i < $argcm1} {incr i} {
if {[lindex $argv $i] == $arg && $i < $argcm1} {
return [lindex $argv [expr $i + 1]]
# Look at environment vars
global env
if {[info exists env($envvar)]} {
return $env($envvar)
# Return default
return $def
# Get VTK_DATA_ROOT if we can
variable VTK_DATA_ROOT [::vtk::get_arg_or_env_or_default \
"-D" \
[file nativename [file join [file dirname [info script]]
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